Getting Started

David Capaldi

Step 1: The most important step! Begin by scheduling an appointment with your professional career advisor, David Capaldi. He will help you define your career goals and coordinate your efforts. He can help you make the connection between your background and interests to potential roles and types of employers.

After meeting with David, read suggested career books and outline your approach. Some suggested titles are listed.

Step 2: Target your search by creating lists of companies in specific regions or industries. Create a list of potential contacts at each company.

Step 3: Research the companies you are interviewing with, the industry overall, and the deals they have been involved in. See suggested resources for company and industry research below.

Step 4: Talk to David, second-year students, and alumni about jobs, companies, and interviewing.

Pay attention to advice on how to contact alumni and potential employers. Learn how to craft an engaging message to get your foot in the door. You want to make a good first impression!

Researching Companies & Industries

The top finance resources to look at daily are The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Bloomberg, and Capital IQ. 

Those seeking a financial related careers will want to do some targeted research. Review information in the interview database section of JPAY such as the types of questions asked in the interview.

League tables, rankings of banks by deal information, and deal information are useful in that you can research what deals a bank you are interviewing with has been involved with and you can research a few specific deals to discuss in your interviews. Find deals and league tables in:

Contacts at specific financial companies can be found via:

JP Morgan's Guide to the Markets - Widely read research on top level view of market and economic trends worldwide, released quarterly.

