Rankings and Comparisons

CQ Press
Health Care State Rankings
States are ranked high to low on various measures, such as incidence of disease, births, deaths, incidence of disease, care providers, facilities, physical fitness, abortions, etc. Detailed Table of Contents (PDF) provide more information about what is covered.

Kaiser Family Foundation
State Health Facts
State-level data on on birth rates, prenatal care, number of uninsured, incidence of certain diseases, oral health, financing and state legislation.

United Health Foundation publishes America's Health Rankings by state on selected areas and health outcomes including the following areas:

  • Community Involvement: These rankings cover the areas of Violent Crime, Occupational Fatalities, Infectious Disease, and Children in Poverty
  • Public Health Policies: These rankings cover the areas of Lack of Health Insurance, Per Capita Public Health Spending, and Immunization Coverage
  • Clinical Care: These rankings cover the area of Adequacy of Prenatal Care.
  • Health Outcomes: These rankings cover the areas of Poor Mental Health Days, Poor Physical Health Days, Infant Mortality, Cardiovascular Deaths, Cancer Deaths, Premature Death
The website also includes state snapshots, Nation at a Glance interactive map, and downloads of the complete book from 1999-present.

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