Photograph and Political Cartoon Collections
Photograph and Cartoon Collections on Flickr, Cornell University’s Digital Collections Portal, and Artstor. For information about citing images and copyright, please visit the Cornell Library guide: Images: A Guide to Finding Visual Resources: Cornell Images.
Flickr Collections
- U.S. President's Railroad Commission Photographs, 1960-1961 - The U.S. Presidential Railroad Commission was established by Executive Order No. 10891 of November 1, 1960, to arbitrate a longstanding dispute between railroad carriers and unions over the number of workers needed to safely operate trains. Due to generous funding from the National Historic Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC), 1,655 photographs from the commission were digitized, geotagged, and posted online through the Kheel Center's digital collections site. Also available through the USPRC Photograph Collection on Flickr and the USPRC Photograph Collection on Artstor.
- Bernard Kassoy, Artist. "New York Teacher News" Cartoons, 1950-1962 - Bernard Kassoy (1914-2008) graduated from the City College of New York and Cooper Union Art School. He worked as a painter, printmaker, photographer, sculptor and cinematographer. Kassoy’s 136 editorial cartoons preserved by the Kheel Center were largely created in the 1950s at a time when many US policy makers were enthralled by the search for Communist Party members and sympathizers. In pithy cartoons he portrayed the struggles of New York City students and teachers as well as the Teachers Union's response to these hardships.
- International Ladies Garment Workers Union Photographs, 1885-1985 - These Flickr albums contain a selection of images reflecting the public face of this influential, women's-clothing industry union as it was documented in photographs over a period of 100 years.
- New York Call Photographs, ca. 1908-1923 - These images from the socialist daily newspaper document labor leaders and organizations, living conditions, homework, shop scenes, and strike scenes.
- Midvale Company Photographs, 1883 - 1953 – These photographs are from the Charles D. Wrege’s History of Management Collection of Midvale Steel Company Photographs. They document the company site, buildings, surrounding areas, executives, offices, workers, train shipments, dining areas, laboratories, steam hammers, scientific management processes, medical services, steel working processes, and munitions production.
- Frank B. Gilbreth Motion Study Photographs, 1913-1917 – Scientific Management studies conducted by Frank B. Gilbreth were undertaken to analyze the efficiency and productive capacity of industrial workers. Photographs were made as single prints, in stereo, or as time series. Images included in the collection document research techniques, equipment, and operations under analysis.
- Louise Boyle. Southern Tenant Farmers Union Photographs, 1937 and 1982 – Prominent photographer Louise Boyle’s penetrating images documented the devastating effects of the Clutch Plague on American workers. Struggling landless farmers organized the Southern Tenant Farmers Union (SFTU) in 1934 in response to displacement caused by long-term drought, agricultural mechanization, and pressures on landowners to reduce production. The union was notable for encouraging blacks and women to join and lead integrated union locals, for promoting non-violent tactics, and for using songs, prayers, and rituals at meetings, drawing on the inspirational power of the Christian faith to which the majority of its members adhered. This album contains over 200 digitized photos.
Artstor Collections
- U.S. President's Railroad Commission Photographs, 1960-1961
- International Ladies Garment Workers Union Photographs, 1885-1985
- Bernard Kassoy, Artist. "New York Teacher News" Cartoons, 1950-1962
- Louise Boyle. Southern Tenant Farmers Union Photographs, 1937 and 1982
- New York Call Photographs, ca. 1908-1923
- Frank B. Gilbreth Motion Study Photographs, 1913-1917
- Midvale Company Photographs, 1883 - 1953