International Workers Order (IWO)
The IWO was founded in 1930 as an immigrant fraternal order that provided high-quality, low-cost health and burial insurance and other benefits for members. The origins of the IWO / JPFO arose from a decade of splits (1920-1930) concerning the U.S.S.R., the Bolshevik Revolution and Communism that consumed the Jewish Federation of Socialists and the Arbeter Ring (Workmen’s Circle) groups associated with Eugene V. Debs’ Socialist Party. While the vast majority of the IWO’s members—~200,000 at its peak right after World War II—did not belong to the Communist Party of the United States of America, the IWO’s politics and leadership were largely aligned with those of the Party. For those familiar with the Yiddish speaking immigrant Left, this group was often referred to as "Di Linke" or the Left. The IWO was legally disbanded in 1953 due to the Cold War “Red Scare.” This closure followed on a famous and unprecedented court case, in connection with which the organization’s insurance funds and records were seized by New York State’s Insurance Department. The presence of a substantial portion of the IWO Records (#5276) in the Kheel Center at Cornell’s ILR School is a direct result of that seizure.
Kheel Center Resources: International Workers Order (IWO)
- #5276: International Workers Order (IWO) Records, 1915-2002This collection contains records from the International Workers Order. The Liquidation Bureau of the State of New York Insurance Department transferred International Workers' Order (IWO) records to Cornell University in 1961. Records documenting the Jewish Peoples Fraternal Order of the IWO were donated by the Saltzman Schwartz family to the Cornell University Library in 1984.
- #5940: International Workers Order Case FilesThis collection contains 12 boxes of materials relating to the word of the International Workers Order (IWO), a Communist Party-affiliated insurance, mutual benefit and fraternal organization founded in 1930 and disbanded in 1954 as the result of legal action undertaken by the state of New York in 1951. Right after World War II, the IWO had almost 200,000 members.
- #5940mf: International Workers Order's Immigration and Naturalization Files on MicrofilmRecords pertaining to the US Department of Justice: Immigration and Naturalization Service in the Matter of Deportation Proceedings against Andrew Dmytryshyn alias Andrew Dolin, July 27, 1950.
IWO Digital Collections at Cornell
- International Workers Order Digital CollectionsAbout 10,000 pages of documents from the Kheel Center’s collection of International Workers’ Order records have been digitized, thanks to a Cornell Library Arts and Sciences grant including selected records in Yiddish and English document the Jewish immigrant experience from 1930-1953. Subjects include the American Left, labor, immigration, Jewish communities and Jewish identity, relations with African Americans, World War II and the Cold War, cultural and artistic expression in radical politics, related organizations, and influential individuals.