Bibliographies and Guides to Primary and Secondary Sources
- Oxford Bibliographies: International LawOxford Bibliographies Online combines a high-level encyclopedia with traditional bibliography. Each subject module includes a full set of entries covering a range of topics from general overviews to highly-specialized themes. Entries are written by subject experts and carefully reviewed by scholars in the field. The International Law bibliography provides guidance to the complex system of rules and principles meant to govern relations between states, to international organizations like the United Nations, and to international relations and diplomacy.
- Foreign Law Guide"... information on sources of foreign law, including complete bibliographic citations to legislation, the existence of English translations and selected references to secondary sources in one virtual destination. Broad in content and global in scope, the FLG is an indispensable resource for comparative law research and a fundamental tool for developing a foreign and comparative law collection. Approximately 190 jurisdictions are systemically covered and updated by a global team of experts." [About]
- A New A-Z of International Relations Theory byPublication Date: 2015-08-30Print title.
Entries include scholars, writers, concepts, principal debates, argumentation, theories, leading schools of thought, states, international bodies, conflicts and war, treaties and alliances. - The Oxford Handbook of International RelationsPublication Date: 2008"Bringing together an impressive collection of international relations scholars, this Handbook debates the nature of the field itself, critically engages with the major theories, surveys a wide spectrum of methods, addresses the relationship between scholarship and policy making, and examines the field's relation with cognate disciplines." [publisher]
- The Routledge Handbook to Global Political Economy byPublication Date: 2020-04-16"The Routledge Handbook to Global Political Economy provides a comprehensive guide to how Global Political Economy (GPE) is conceptualized and researched around the world. Including contributions that range from traditional International Political Economy (IPE) to GPE approaches, the Handbook gathers the investigations, varying perspectives and innovative research of more than sixty scholars from all over the world." [publisher]