Off-Campus Access to Full-Text
If you are off-campus and want access to full-text, you can either go to the resource directly via the library website or use the handy PASSKEY tool. Using either method, you will be prompted to log in with your netID and password to gain access to our licensed resources.
Passkey is particularly useful when searching via Google Scholar or the general web. The library has created a guide to installing and using Passkey.
Finding Full-Text Articles
Use the Get it! Cornell links wherever you see them!
If you have citations for specific articles, check the Library Catalog to see if we subscribe to the journal that contains the article. The Catalog will show whether or not we have access to the electronic version and/or the print version. Note that this catalog also searches WorldCat, a database of library holdings from around the world. So if the Cornell library collection doesn't have what you're looking for, this catalog will tell you who does, and link you to Borrow Direct or Interlibrary Loan options (see below).
If we don't have it, we can get it for you for free in a few days! Request materials through Borrow Direct or Interlibrary Loan by clicking the Request Item button.
Reference librarians are here to help you - so please contact us with any questions!
Review Articles
Review articles are scholarly articles that describe and summarize a body of research or knowledge on a particular topic. These can be useful in getting to know more about a topic and beginning to understand where gaps in the literature exist (i.e., what questions still need to be answered).
Review articles can be found in the many scholarly research databases available through the library. See the "Searching the Literature" section of this guide to learn more about the databases that cover topics such as sociology, psychology and public policy.
To find review articles, do a search in one of these database, for example Web of Science. Most databases will allow you to refine your search by document type. Choose 'Reviews' to narrow your search to review articles only.
Note: Review articles and peer-reviewed articles are not the same! Peer-review refers to scholarly literature that has gone through a rigorous review and revision process prior to publication. This can include review articles, but also empirical studies (which are NOT review articles).