Invisible lands: The Palestine Film Festival / Adania Shibli
Quick Links (General Information)
A chronology of Palestinian cinema, 1927-
- Palestinian Film Collection * COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY
- “Palestine Film Index"
- List of Palestinian films - [An A-Z list of films produced in Palestine, the Palestinian Authority and by Palestinians - either under Israeli Civil Administration and Israeli-occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip.]
- IMDb: the 10 best Palestinian movies
- Palestinian Cinema: 10 Must-See Movies from the Territories * 9 Palestinian Films Everyone Should See - The Assimilator – Forward
- Top Ten Films About the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict | Miami New Times
- THE FILM | CINEMA PALESTINE "Cinema Palestine is a poetic documentary project exploring the emergence of a Palestinian cinema in recent years."
- Cinema of Palestine @ Expand Your Mind
- Khaled Elayya: A Brief History of Palestinian Cinema, This week in Palestine
Palestinian Film Databases & Collections
“Palestine Film Index is a growing list of films from and about Palestine and the Palestinian struggle for liberation, made by Palestinians and those in solidarity with them. The index starts with films from the revolutionary period (68 - 82) made by the militant filmmakers of the Palestine Film Unit and their allies and extends through a multitude of voices to the present day. It is by no means a complete or exhaustive representation of the vast universe that is Palestinian cinema but is only a small fragmentary list that we hope nonetheless can be used as an instrument of study and solidarity. As tools of knowledge against Zionist propaganda and towards Palestinian liberation.”
PFF Database Palestine Film Foundation has info about films screened by the foundation
Archivo Handala [The Documentation Centre of Palestine Film, a project of collective Handala]
PalestineDocs, “a web resource on films chronicling the life of Palestinians in and outside the Middle East.”
UNRWA Audiovisual Archive for Palestinian Refugees A newly digitized archive from UNRWA consisting of over half a million negatives, prints, slides, films and videocassettes covering all aspects of the life and history of Palestine refugees from 1948 to the present day.
The Spielberg Jewish Film Archive - The First Film of Palestine
FIAF International Index to Film Periodicals Plus Indexes 340 of the world's academic & popular film journals
Reviews, criticism, full film credits & biographical information
Film Journals
Masraḥ wa-Sīnimātik al-Qaṣabah (Rām Allāh-رام الله) مسرح وسينماتك القصبة . al-Kasaba Theatre & Cinematheque. Masraḥ wa-Sīnimātik al-Qaṣabah = al-Kasaba Theatre & Cinematheque. Monthly. In Arabic and English.
Palestinian Film: News and Reviews at
Dreams of a Nation, an independent project founded to provide resources and information on Palestinian cinema. Based at Columbia University, USA.
Adaptation An international forum focused on literature on screen.
Cineaste Includes articles, interviews, film, DVD and books about film reviews.
Framework: The Journal of Cinema and Media International journal
Wide Angle Taking an in-depth look at international film.
Historical Journal of Film, Radio & Television Journal of the International Association for Media and History
Who's Who * Palestinian Cinema
Notable directors
- Yahya Barakat
- Azza El-Hassan
- Hany Abu-Assad
- Scandar Copti
- Mustafa Abu Ali
- Mohammed Bakri
- Tarek Al Eryan
- Annemarie Jacir
- Michel Khleifi
- Rashid Masharawi
- Saleem Dabbour
- Mai Masri
- Montaser Marai
- Rosalind Nashashibi
- Ali Nassar
- Mohammad Al-Sawalma
- Hazim Bitar
- Elia Suleiman
- Leila Sansour
- Refat Adi
- Sameh Zoabi
- Tawfik Abu Wael
- Ameen Nayfeh
- Mohammad Shihadeh Hmedat
- Najwa Najjar
General History & Background
Palestinian Cinema: landscape, trauma and memory = Nof ba-ʻarafel by Although in recent years the entire world has been increasingly concerned with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, there are few truly reliable sources of information about Palestinian society and culture. One of the best sources for understanding Palestinian culture is the cinema, which has strived to delineate Palestinian history and to portray the daily lives of Palestinian men, women, and children. Here, an Israeli and a Palestinian scholar, in a rare and welcome collaboration, follow the development of Palestinian cinema, commenting on its response to political and social transformations. They reveal that the more that social, political, and economic conditions have worsened and chaos and pain prevail, the more Palestinian cinema has engaged with the national struggle.
Call Number: olin PN1995.9.A68 G4713 2008ISBN: 9780253220073Publication Date: 2008-03-03Palestinian Cinema in the Days of Revolution by Palestinian cinema arose during the political cinema movements of the late 1960s and early 1970s, yet it was unique as an institutionalized, though modest, film effort within the national liberation campaign of a stateless people. Filmmakers working within the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and through other channels filmed the revolution as it unfolded, including the Israeli bombings of Palestinian refugee camps, the Jordanian and Lebanese civil wars, and Palestinian life under Israeli occupation, attempting to create a cinematic language consonant with the revolution and its needs. They experimented with form both to make effective use of limited material and to process violent events and loss as a means of sustaining active engagement in the Palestinian political project. Palestinian Cinema in the Days of Revolution presents an in-depth study of films made between 1968 and 1982, the filmmakers and their practices, the political and cultural contexts in which the films were created and seen, and their afterlives among Palestinian refugees and young filmmakers in the twenty-first century. Nadia Yaqub discusses how early Palestinian cinema operated within emerging public-sector cinema industries in the Arab world, as well as through coproductions and solidarity networks. Her findings aid in understanding the development of alternative cinema in the Arab world. Yaqub also demonstrates that Palestinian filmmaking, as a cinema movement created and sustained under conditions of extraordinary precarity, offers important lessons on the nature and possibilities of political filmmaking more generally.
Call Number: olin PN1993.5.P35 Y37 2018ISBN: 9781477315958Publication Date: 2018-07-01
A Chronology of Palestinian Cinema
A chronology in two parts, (1927-1999) and (2000-2012). Comprising nearly one thousand entries, this work represents an ongoing research project. For suggested additions or corrections, contact CPS Visiting Researcher, Noemi Artal.
Chronology of Palestinian cinema (1927-1999) Compiled by Dr. Noemí Artal from Centro de Documentación sobre Cine Palestino & Center for Palestine Studies, Columbia University.
"This chronology of films made by Palestinian filmmakers is part of an audiovisual inventory of the traces that history has left in the 20th century. It consists of the (transliterated) original title and a translation into English and Spanish of 281 films (on-going research)."
Palestine in film A Guide and an Annotated Filmography By Marvin Wingfield. (American -Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC))
Una cronología del cine palestino / A Chronology of Palestinian Cinema (1927-1999). Noemí Artal. Centro de Documentación sobre Cine Palestino & Center for Palestine Studies, Columbia University, 5 de febrero de 2013 (actualizado 22 de abril de 2013). [The Documentation Centre of Palestine Film, a project of collective Handala]
Una cronología del cine palestino /A Chronology of Palestinian Cinema (2000-2012). Noemí Artal. Centro de Documentación sobre Cine Palestino & Center for Palestine Studies, Columbia University, 9 de marzo de 2013 (actualizado 22 de abril de 2013). [The Documentation Centre of Palestine Film, a project of collective Handala]
Cine, culturas y ocupación. Noemí Artal, Centro de Documentación sobre Cine Palestino, 8 de octubre 2012. [The Documentation Centre of Palestine Film, a project of collective Handala]
Hamid Dabashi (ed.), Dreams of a Nation: on Palestinian Cinema (London/New York: Verso, 2006).
Bibliografía / Cine palestino Centro de documentación [The Documentation Centre of Palestine Film, a project of collective Handala]
Not forgotten: The Palestinian Film Archive | BFI
Palestinian Cinema: 10 Must-See Movies from the Territories
The Palestine Film Foundation: PFF
Palestinian Film: News and Reviews at
Dreams of a Nation, an independent project founded to provide resources and information on Palestinian cinema. Based at Columbia University, USA.
Seized in Beirut: The Plundered Archives of the Palestinian Cinema Institution and Cultural Arts Section. Anthropology of the Middle East 12(1) June 2017 / Rona Sela Tel Aviv University
The FilmLab: Palestine is a non-profit company established in 2014, and based in the Old Town of Ramallah, Palestine. Inspired by personal experience to empower Palestinian youth in refugee camps in Jordan to tell their own personal history and document their collective memory through film art, the Film Lab uses international models of public and private partnerships to effectively promote film art and film culture in Palestine with the greater aspiration to create a productive, dynamic film industry in Palestine.
Statistical Atlas of Palestine
From the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) of the Palestine National Authority.
Further reading
Palestinian Cinema : landscape, trauma and memory by
ISBN: 9780253220073Publication Date: 2008-03-03
Essays on Palestinan Cinema
- History and Trends in Palestinian Filmmaking / By Helga Tawil. Nebula 2.2, June 2005
- What is the Value of Palestinian Cinema? - The Jerusalem Fund
- Houses Without Foundations: On Belonging in Palestinian Women’s Cinema [Casas sem fundações: O sentido de pertença no cinema de mulheres palestinianas] / Colleen Jankovic.
- "Palestinian cinema is a cause": an interview with Hany
- Coming Home: Palestinian Cinema | The Electronic IntifadaAbu-Assad
- Palestine already exists on film: Palestine's past remembered
- Annemarie Jacir: Coming Home: Palestinian Cinema, 27 February 2007, The Electronic Intifada
- Khadija Habshneh: Palestinian Revolution Cinema, This week in Palestine
- The Palestine Cause in the Cinema - Jstor
الثقافة السينمائية الفلسطينية بلغة أصحابها / سليم البيك --Alquds Alarabi (
السينما الفلسطينية تتحدى «الحصار» بافتتاح مهرجان العودة /
عن الثقافة السينمائية الفلسطينية قبل الصناعة /
Reference Sources
Select Palestinian Movies / Filmografy
In the Image: Palestinian Women Capture the Occupation 2016 Video [San Francisco, California, USA] : Kanopy Streaming, 2016. In English, palestinian [Arabic]. In the Image, explores the daily lives of Palestinian women living in the occupied West Bank.
Six days in June 2007. Video Paris : Point du Jour International, 2007. Multiple languages. This edition in Hebrew, Arabic, and English with English subtitles.
الزمن الباقي : سيرة الحاضر الغائب / al-Zaman al-bāqī : sīrat al-ḥāḍir al-ghāʾib = The time that remains : chronicle of a present absentee2012
Video New York, NY : Sundance Selects, c2012. In Arabic, Hebrew, and English, with optional subtitles in English or Spanish. [1 videodisc (109 min.) : sound, color]. ["A humorous, heartbreaking film that explores life among the Israeli Arab community from 1948 to the present day, shot largely in homes and places in which Suleiman's family once lived. Inspired by his father's diaries, letters his mother sent to family members who had fled the Israeli occupation, and the director's own recollections, the film recounts the saga of the filmmaker's family in subtly hilarious vignettes.] Uris Library Dean Room Videodisc 5191.
Roadmap to apartheid c2012 Video [United States] : Ubuntu Films, c2012. In English, with optional subtitles in English, Spanish, Arabic, French, Portuguese, German, Italian, Turkish, Swedish, Czech, Hebrew, Dutch, Russian, Danish. Uris Library Dean Room Videodisc 5350
Palestinian Film Streaming
All palestinian Movies and TV Shows on Netflix Worldwide - Flixsearch
New Palestine films to look out for (and others to watch online)
- سينما العرب - تحميل ومشاهدة أفلام أغاني | فيلم مترجم | ترجمة سينما العرب موقع متخصص في تحميل الافلام و المسلسلات العربية و ترجمة الأفلام الأجنبية Arab Film Distribution is a distributor of films about the Arab world. The Seattle-based company distributes its films in North America, and was founded in 1990 by the Seattle Arab & Iranian Film Festival, which was in turn created for the 1990 Goodwill Games. In 2005, the company launched a theatrical subsidiary, Typecast Entertainment Best Arabic Language Movies on Netflix Instant “Here are the best Arabic movies on Netflix, ranked by fans of foreign film. Netflix Instant offers all manner of international films in many languages, but every single film on this list of Netflix Arabic movies stands out. These Arabic language movies come from Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, occupied Palestine, and more. Some are documentaries, some are dramas, and some are thrillers, but all are superb Arabic movies streaming on Netflix.”
- watch arabic movies online “Watch free Arabic movies online, download English movies”
- Arab Cinema Center ACC was born with the mission to function as an international platform to promote Arab cinema and provide access to the best of Arab talent, films and companies participating in key film festivals.
- Ana Arab Cinema “featuring award-winning Arab films by the best Arab directors working today.”
-, Arabic Movies & Series Online On Demand
thousands of classic feature films, educational shorts and documentaries [·Cornell University on Kanopy platform which you can access with your Cornell login: If a title doesn’t show up in a search let me know and we’ll contact Kanopy and ask them to acquire it [from the library's online catalog].
.Alexander Street Press have deals on their packages, which the library has bought, but do sell individual titles now as well .
Media That Matters Short films that showcase topics of interest from all over the world.
World Digital Library Provides access to digitized items from all over the world.
The Film Foundation's World Cinema Project Restored films from films all over the world made available through streaming content