Ciser Monument Sign and Building Entrance


The Cornell Institute for Social and Economic Research (CISER) is an excellent resource for help with the use of data files and statistical analysis software, and working with social science and economic data, both public access and restricted.  CISER offers numerous workshops at Mann library on the use of statistical packages and computing.  CISER also offers drop-in office hours both at their off-campus location on Pine Tree Road and at Mann Library. CISER is also the source of a large data archive available to Cornell researchers in the social sciences.



CSCU logo


The Cornell Statistical Consulting Unit (CSCU) is a professional service group that aims to strengthen research on campus by assisting scholars with using statistical methods in their research in the most optimal way. Our services are coordinated to provide statistical expertise to the entire Cornell community through consulting, teaching, and contract services.

We offer workshops every semester on statistical topics that are of interest to researchers. Our workshops are open to the Cornell community and are free of charge. Please check the workshop schedule and register in advance.

LinkedIn Learning Training

LinkedIn is an excellent source for online training tutorials, including numerous courses in statistics and statistical software.  Sign in using your Cornell credentials for full access to this great resource.

Statistics in the Health Sciences