Streaming Video : General Guidlines & Information
The library subscribes to several databases hosting both commercial and educational films from the 1890s to the present. If you do not see any relevant films or media you would like to use to support your course you can request streaming media for e-reserves via the Media Digitization Request Form or e-mail with your request for access options, including purchases.
Guidelines for Streaming Audio-Visual Content * CORNELL
Streaming services at Cornell, include also eCommons, MediaSpace, and Canvas@Cornell. Check also the following:
Thousands of classic feature films, educational shorts and documentaries [Cornell University on Kanopy platform which you can access with your Cornell login: If a title doesn’t show up in a search let me know and we’ll contact Kanopy and ask them to acquire it [from the library's online catalog].
Swank motion pictures "Swank Motion Pictures is the nontheatrical distributor for the majority of the major Hollywood studios as well as many independent, foreign, art house, and documentary offerings." [Streaming Server Registration NEEDED]
.Alexander Street Press have deals on their packages, which the library has bought, but do sell individual titles now as well.
Feature Films : Free Movies : Download & Streaming : Internet Archive Feature films, shorts, silent films and trailers are available for viewing and downloading.
The Docuseek2 Complete Collection: Second Edition. The Docuseek2 Complete Collection provides exclusive educational streaming access to important films from leaders in documentary distribution, including Bullfrog Films, Icarus Films (including The Fanlight Collection and dGenerate Films), Kartemquin Films, KimStim, the National Film Board of Canada, and Terra Nova Films.
Streaming Middle East Video :
Some recommended resources for using video materials in the classroom:
- Face-to-Face & Online Instruction
- Media in the Face-to-Face Classroom
- Fair Use Evaluator
- Show a YouTube video to classes [It is acceptable to link to YouTube videos in a learning management system. There are many YouTube videos (and other videos) available through CC licenses as well].
- - سينما العرب - تحميل ومشاهدة أفلام أغاني | فيلم مترجم | ترجمة سينما العرب موقع متخصص في تحميل الافلام و المسلسلات العربية و ترجمة الأفلام الأجنبية
- watch arabic movies online “Watch free Arabic movies online, download English movies”
- Arab Cinema Center ACC was born with the mission to function as an international platform to promote Arab cinema and provide access to the best of Arab talent, films and companies participating in key film festivals.
- Ana Arab Cinema “featuring award-winning Arab films by the best Arab directors working today.”
-, Arabic Movies & Series Online On Demand
- Arab Film Distribution is a distributor of films about the Arab world. The Seattle-based company distributes its films in North America, and was founded in 1990 by the Seattle Arab & Iranian Film Festival, which was in turn created for the 1990 Goodwill Games. In 2005, the company launched a theatrical subsidiary, Typecast Entertainment
- Best Arabic Language Movies on Netflix Instant “Here are the best Arabic movies on Netflix, ranked by fans of foreign film. Netflix Instant offers all manner of international films in many languages, but every single film on this list of Netflix Arabic movies stands out. These Arabic language movies come from Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, occupied Palestine, and more. Some are documentaries, some are dramas, and some are thrillers, but all are superb Arabic movies streaming on Netflix.”
- MelodyClassic - ميلودى كلاسيك
- The Docuseek2 Complete Collection: Second Edition.
The Docuseek2 Complete Collection provides exclusive educational streaming access to important films from leaders in documentary distribution, including Bullfrog Films, Icarus Films (including The Fanlight Collection and dGenerate Films), Kartemquin Films, KimStim, the National Film Board of Canada, and Terra Nova Films.
Ethnographic Video Online - an important collection of ethnographic educational and documentary films
The Film Foundation's World Cinema Project Restored films from films all over the world made available through streaming content.
Filmmakers Library Online - a small collection of documentaries dealing with a wide range of social, historical issues & cultures
Kino Lorber EDU [middle-eastern-studies] brings together the libraries of Kino Classics, Kino Lorber, and Alive Mind Cinema to deliver world-class cinema to students and educators alike.
Media That Matters Short films that showcase topics of interest from all over the world.
Media Education Foundation-Media and the Middle East a collection of films that inspire critical reflection on the impact of mass media.
World Digital Library Middle East Provides access to digitized items from all over the world.
Commercial Streaming Services (Fee-based-some free)
The Best Video Streaming Services for 2020 | PCMag
Guide to Streaming Video Services - Consumer Reports
Arab Film Distribution promotes and distributes the cinemas of the Arab world in North America.
Global Film Initiative [Films in Arabic, etc. languages]
Just watch - The Streaming Guide, what’s new across your favorite streaming services. {Turkey, etc.} | Prime Video | Stream Anywhere
SnagFilms Watch Free Streaming Movies Online. Shows. Filmanthropy.
Streamed Movies (Samples)
Swank motion pictures "Swank Motion Pictures is the nontheatrical distributor for the majority of the major Hollywood studios as well as many independent, foreign, art house, and documentary offerings." [Streaming Server Registration NEEDED]
- Middle East Movies * English subtitles by Joumana Films
- Free Arabic movies & tv series online / English subtitles
- 10 Best Arabic Movies With English Subtitles - Screen Junkies
الفيل الازرق (watch online) يرصد الفيلم حياة طبيب نفسي يُدعى يحيى (كريم عبدالعزيز). يحيى طبيبٌ من نوعٍ خاصٍ مر بعدة مشاكل في حياته المهنية والشخصية، فبعد غياب يحيى عن العمل لمدة 5 سنوات يعود من جديد للعمل بمستشفي العباسية. يقرر يحيى العودة للعمل بجعبة جديدة والبدء من جديد ،لكن حين يُطلب منه كتابة تقريرٍ عن مريضٍ نفسي ،ينصدم عندما يعلم أن هذا المريض هو صديقه القديم دكتور شريف الكردي (خالد الصاوي). تتعقد الأحداث لتكشف لنا عن أسرارٍ مثيرة تتعلق بأبطال العمل لتُزيح الستار عن جبلٍ من الغموض. The story of Dr. Yehia, a psychotherapist at Al Abbasia hospital. He works in the department treating the criminally insane, only to find his best friend to be one of the patients...
عمارة يعقوبيان-علاء الاسوانى(watch online) عمارة فى وسط مدينة القاهرة، تسكنها طبقات اجتماعية متباينة بعد الثورة، من أقدمهم زكى بك الدسوقى الذى تربى فيها فهو ابن عبدالعال باشا الدسوقى الوزير السابق ومن اقطاب حزب الوفد، الذى اقتصت الثورة الكثير من أطيانه. فى العمارة أيضًا الحاج عزام الذى بدأ من الصفر، عندما كان ماسح أحذية، فصار ثريًا، ثم عضوًا فى مجلس الشعب. أما حاتم رشيد فهو صحفى شاذ جنسيًا، له مكانته فى الوسط الاجتماعى، ويموت على يد عشيق له. وعلى سطح العمارة يعيش ملاك الترزى الذى يطمع أن يشارك زكى بك فىفي المحل، ...The (original) novel described the Yacoubian Building as one of the most luxurious and prestigious apartment blocks in Cairo following its construction by Armenian businessman Hagop Yacoubian in 1934, with government ministers, wealthy manufacturers, and foreigners residing or working out of offices there. After the revolution in 1952, many of the rich foreigners, as well as native landowners and businessmen, who had lived at the Yacoubian fled the country. Each vacated apartment was then occupied by a military officer and his family, who were often of a more rural background and lower social caste than the previous residents.
Between Allah and me (and everyone else). (1 video file, approximately 60 minutes) Originally produced by ConnectedEarth in 2015. [San Francisco, California, USA] : Kanopy Streaming, 2016. [Available Summary: No dress code inspires more debate than that of Muslim women. The film explores the challenges of four practicing Muslim women in Toronto making decisions about their personal dress codes. When they decide to start or stop wearing hijab, they interact with different members of society who have different opinions and ideas about the hijab. Capturing both deep emotions and humor, the film unveils how the hijab carries many diverse meanings and messages that may surprise non-Muslims, and also reveals the intricate and complex effects of hijab on Muslim women, their families and communities, and the larger multicultural society in the West.
5 broken cameras 2014. Video [San Francisco, California, USA] : Kanopy Streaming, 2014. Hebrew.
Amal's Garden 2015Video [San Francisco, California, USA] : Kanopy Streaming, 2015. In English [ "In Kirkuk, in northern Iraq, almost ten years after the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime, the Kurdish, Turkish and Iraqi flags fly side by side. The filmmaker of Amal's Garden approaches this coexistence obliquely, with infinite tenderness, filming only what is intimate..." OFFICIAL SELECTION - Dubai International Film Festival 2012 OFFICIAL SELECTION - Cinema du Reel 2013 OFFICIAL SELECTION - Arab American National Museum 2014 OFFICIAL SELECTION - Twin Cities Arab Film Festival 2014]
Steam-- the Turkish bath 2014 [San Francisco, California, USA] : Kanopy Streaming, 2014. Italian
The Oddest War: When a Canadian Led a Turkish Army 2015 [San Francisco, California, USA] : Kanopy Streaming, 2015. In English
Last Stop: Palestine. There is an invisible war going on in the West Bank. The Israeli settlers are waging a daily war on the Palestinians who remain; they… More info (84 mins 2013)
Above and Beyond: The Birth of the Israeli Air Force [
Grandma, A Thousand Times (Teta, Alf Marra) is a poetic documentary that puts a feisty Beiruti grandmother at the center of brave film exercises concocted by her grandson to commemorate her many worlds before they are erased by the passage of time and her eventual death. ... Awards New York Times Critics Pick Doha Tribeca Film Festival - Winner of Audience Award Best Documentary Doha Tribeca Film Festival - Winner of Jury Special Mention Dox Box International Documentary Film Festival - Winner Audience Award Best Documentary London International Documentary Festival - Winner Best Film Award Fondation Liban Cinema - Trophy in recognition of its contribution to Lebanese Cinema DocsDF Mexico - Winner Jury Special Mention Mumbai Film Festival - Winner Best Film Celebrate Age Taiwan International Documentary Festival - Winner Merit Prize.
Asiklar : those who are in love c1996 Watertown, MA : Documentary Educational Resources, c1996. English
Dead presumed missing? 2003 Video Watertown, Mass. : Documentary Educational Resources, 2003. English [Between 1963-74, about 2000 Turkish and Greek Cypriots disappeared during hostilities between the two communities of Cyprus]
Fragments from the past 2006 Video London, UK : Royal Anthropological Institute, 2006. This edition in English and Turkish with English subtitles.
With Olive Groves In The Aegean: Greeks & Turks 2016 Video [San Francisco, California, USA] : Kanopy Streaming, 2016. In: English
Inside the Topkapi Palace Museum, Istanbul 2014Video [San Francisco, California, USA] : Kanopy Streaming, 2014. English