Use Zotero to manage PDFs and citations


Free open source software.  Essential!  Invest the time to learn to use this great citation and PDF manager. When you're traveling light, and when you're working on a long project, you'll thank yourself.

Play with digital tools (translate to reach English instructions), the web portal for Swiss historians, offers a useful selection of links to core digital tools.  The annotated lists are available in French, German and Italian, but each link leads to English text describing the tool.

"On this page you'll find a selection of software for retrieval, organization, and information sharing in the humanities. These tools are sorted into categories and have been chosen for their ease of use and free availability.  the selection is oriented to online applications that don't require installation and that will function on any computer with an internet connection."

Boîte à outils numériques


Et s'il fallait n'en choisir qu'un seul ?
Nous vous recommandons Zotero, une application open source qui combine les fonctions de gestion bibliographique, de bibliothèque de signets et d'aide à la prise de notes. Voir la [in English] vidéo d'introduction (3 min.) ou le Slidecast (57 min.) "Zotero and the Future of Digital History" par Sean Takats, responsable du programme Zotero, colloque, 11 sept. 2009.

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Use your phone

"How to Use Your Existing Phone Overseas" -- advice from The New York Times.