Data Archives
- CISER Data ArchiveThe Data Archive of the Cornell Institute for Social and Economic Research (CISER) maintains a collection of machine-readable social and economic data sets, consisting of over 19,000 online files and thousands of studies on CD-ROMs and diskettes. It is also a centralized facility for information services on numeric data files, their acquisition, storage, maintenance, and processing.
- ICPSRThis web page provides search and browsing access to abstracts and data sets in the world's largest archive of computerized social science data at the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR). ICPSR Direct allows Cornellians to download data directly from links in the ICPSR catalog of holdings after they provide name, Cornell affiliation, department, and e-mail address. After registering, you may obtain data by entering your e-mail address and using a Cornell IP address. Access to off-campus Cornell users is provided by the Cornell University Find Databases function. The CISER Data Archive can assist students in downloading the complete files.