Social Sciences
Note: If a database cites an article you need, and there is no direct link to the full text online, look for a “Get It Cornell” link, or search in the Cornell Library Catalog for the title of the journal (not the article).
- Proquest Social Science PremiumThe ProQuest Social Sciences Premium Collection combines our discipline specific collections in politics and sociology, with powerful resources that cut across the entire spectrum of the social sciences. This Collection enriches the discipline by providing more coverage on applied social sciences, criminal justice, education, linguistics, and language behavior.
- Social Sciences Citation IndexIndexes current and retrospective citations since 1956 from more than 1,700 high-impact social science journals. Also includes links to the full bibliographies of articles. Cited-reference searching permits forward and backward literature reviews (footnote tracking); related-record searching links articles that share similar works cited.
- EconLit with Full TextIndex of books, journal articles, dissertations, and articles in books. Subjects covered in include economic theory and history, fiscal theory, econometrics, agricultural economics, public finance, demography, monetary theory, international economics and others.
- ERICNational education database sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education. Contains over one million citations covering research documents, journal articles, books, technical reports, program descriptions and evaluations, and curricular materials in the field of education. Also includes abstracts, citations, and selective full-text.
- NBER Working PapersNBER researchers initially report their findings in these scientific papers aimed at other professional economists. Nearly 700 NBER Working Papers are published each year, and many subsequently appear in scholarly journals.
- Population IndexThrough the year 2000, provides indexing for books, journal articles, working papers and other materials with population subjects. Available full text, 1937-1999 through JSTOR.
- Population Index on the WebPopulation Index on the Web has more than 45,000 abstracts published between 1986 through 2000. The database can be searched by author, subject, geographic region, and citation text.
- Race Relations AbstractsIndexes and abstracts over 300 publications providing the latest information and research findings in the area of race relations, including discrimination, education, employment, health, politics, law and legislation. In addition to journal articles, provides summaries of books and conference papers from around the world.
- Social Science Research NetworkRecently purchased by Elsevier, Social Science Research Network (SSRN) is devoted to the rapid worldwide dissemination of social science research and is composed of a number of specialized research networks in each of the social sciences. The eLibrary consists of an Abstract Database containing abstracts on over 247,700 scholarly working papers and forthcoming papers and an Electronic Paper Collection currently containing over 204,000 downloadable full text documents. The Networks encourage readers to communicate directly with authors and other subscribers concerning their own and others' research.