Note: If a database cites an article you need, and there is no direct link to the full text online, look for a “Get It Cornell” link, or search in the Cornell Library Catalog for the title of the journal (not the article).
- Articles & Full Text SearchSearches over 800 million items, including, but not limited to: scholarly journal articles, newspaper articles, ebooks, audio files, video files. Draws from many full-text and article-indexing databases as well as digital repositories from colleges, universities, research centers, and other open-access archives on the web.
- Google ScholarA freely accessible web search engine that enables searching across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, and reports, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites. (Use with caution: Some publishers do not allow Google to crawl their journals. Coverage is unpredictable and inconsistent. Citations lack subject headings created by sociology specialists to enhance search results.)
- ProQuest Research LibraryIndexes and abstracts over 800 general interest magazines and scholarly journals in the social sciences, humanities and sciences. Full text of many articles is provided. Also included are citations to selected newspapers, and television and radio programs.