Selected Article Databases

Scholarly and substantive articles on fantasy and science fiction have been appearing in academic journals with regularity since the 1970s. While there is no database exclusively devoted to indexing secondary work these genres, the sources listed below include articles published in academic journals centered on literary, film, and cultural studies.

Note that these resources generally do NOT index creative work in science fiction magazines (e.g., Strange Horizons, Interzone) or material appearing in fanzines and other amateur publications.

The Library provides networked access to many more secondary source databases -- indexes and full-text -- than can be listed here. Others may be located through the Library Catalog and Databases.

Indexes/Bibliographies for Secondary Sources

Bibliographies are rich sources of citations to both journal articles and monographs. To locate these in the Library Catalogs, enter the word bibliography as a Subject term in conjunction with keywords such as fantasy, science fiction, gothic, Asimov, etc. A few general bibliographies appear below.

Academic SF/Fantasy Journals

The Library subscribes to several academic journals focusing on science fiction and fantasy. Here is a selection of currently received titles, as well as some freely available online:

Bulletin (Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America) - OLIN PS374.S25 S41
Extrapolation - OLIN PN3448.S45 E96 + (online 1994 -)
Femspec - online only
Horror Studies - online and print: OLIN P96.H65 H67
Journal of Dracula Studies
Journal of the fantastic in the arts - online and print set OLIN PN56.F34 J86
Mythlore online and in print - OLIN PR6039.O49 Z93+
Science fiction film and television -
Science-fiction studies online and in print- OLIN PN3448.S45 S44
SFRA Review - freely accessible online from 2001; latest issue available 10 weeks after print publication)
Studies in the Fantastic