Concepts for Library Session, MUSIC 1701

  • Discovering writings on your topic
  • Selecting writings on your topic
  • Accessing writings on your topic
  • Tools for discovering, selecting, and accessing writings (library search, library catalog, literature indexes such as RILM, bibliographies, etc.)
  • Formats of scholarly writings (books, journal articles, essays/book chapters, etc.)
  • Keywords and facets/limiters
  • Subject headings and call numbers

Tasks before library session

From the Cornell University Library homepage, use the library catalog to try searching some different keywords for topics of interest.

Choose some books that look relevant, and notice whether the keywords you entered appear in the book title or the subject headings.

Experiment with clicking on appropriate subject headings, or parts of subject headings, to discover books on similar topics.

Notice what call number ranges your books are classified in. (What is the first alphanumeric element of the call number, before the first period?)

Come to class with:

  • photos of a few books' catalog entry and call number 
  • a brief list of relevant subject headings you discovered
  • call number ranges you discovered

Concepts for Library Session, MUSIC 6201

  • Library Search and Library Catalog
  • Uniform titles
  • Name-title browse
  • Name headings and name browse
  • Keywords and facets/limiters
  • Subject headings and subject browse
  • Call numbers for scores and books
  • Composer Cutter numbers
  • Literature databases
  • Streaming audio and video
  • Requesting materials for the library
  • Using materials from other libraries
  • Music library services