About Mann

Cornell University, Albert R. Mann Library

Albert R.
Mann Library

(607) 255-5406

Mann Library supports the instruction, research, and extension programs of Cornell University's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and College of Human Ecology.

No matter where you are in the research process, we encourage you to ask for information consulting services. Email us your question or request a consultation. Reference librarians are here to assist.


Industry Research

Identifying an Industry

Most industries are officially classified according to the North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS).  Identifying a NAICS code can significantly help you identify appropriate resources for that industry.

You can do this a few different ways; head to the NAICS web site and sift through industry descriptions until you find what seems like a likely match; or, look up the name of your company in Mergent Online and find the NAICS code in the company overview.

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Tom Ottaviano