Initiatives and Resources at Cornell
Cornell University, and the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) in particular, is committed to agricultural and food systems research and extension programs that advance cross-disciplinary systems perspectives, sustainability, economic development, and environmental stewardship. As the Land Grant University for New York State, Cornell provides education, outreach and applied research for the benefit of New York's citizens, communities and landscapes. The university also has a strong international focus to its mission, particularly in the developing world. As a result, there are a wide variety of activities and resources at Cornell that are related to the study and support of local and regional food systems. These links provide a fairly comprehensive list of these activities.
- Cornell Land Grant Mission, CALS Landgrant Mission
- Cornell Community Food Systems (CFS) Minor is a university-wide program enabling undergraduate students to engage with critical contemporary issues relating to food security, food sovereignty, and food justice.
- Cornell Outreach Portal Search for Cornell Outreach programs and resources, helping solve real-world problems by linking people to the University's rich resources. Students, faculty, and staff share their expertise and energy with schools, businesses, government, community organizations, individuals, and families.
- eCommons Digital Repository: Local and Regional Food Systems Collection -Materials produced by Cornell students, faculty, and staff pursuing studies, research or outreach work related or relevant to local and regional food systems. Some items may be restricted to select members of the Cornell Community.
Agricultural & Horticultural Resources at Cornell
- Compost Facilities Map (NYS) Cornell Waste Management Institute
- Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) is an advanced and intensive form of hydroponically-based agriculture where plants grow within a controlled environment to optimize horticultural practices.
- Cornell Farmworker Program (CFP) is dedicated to improving the living and working conditions of farmworkers and their families.
- Cornell AgriTech - Formerly known as the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station (NYSAES), Cornell AgriTech is "a preeminent center for agriculture & food research in Geneva, New York that delivers practical solutions to help farmers & businesses thrive."
- Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station (CUAES)
- Dilmun Hill Student Farm Student-run farm practicing sustainable agriculture on Cornell University Ithaca campus. Provides students, faculty, staff and community with opportunities for experiential learning, group collaboration and research.
- eCommons Digital Repository: Gardening Collection Resources including fact sheets and growing guides for variety of food crops.
- eCommons Digital Repository: Local and Regional Food Systems Collection Materials produced by Cornell students, faculty, and staff pursuing studies, research or outreach work related or relevant to local and regional food systems. Some items may be restricted to select members of the Cornell Community.
- Farm to School Program Mission is to build awareness, increase knowledge, and support efforts to increase the amount of locally produced fresh or minimally processed foods served in New York's schools, colleges, universities, and other institutions.
- Forest Farming:The How, When and Why Collection of on-line resources introducing principles and practices of forest farming.
- Fruit Resources Index of Cornell fruit production resources.
- Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) for Education and Training -food safety related info.
- High Tunnel Research and Outreach Resources on high tunnel crop production including design, crops, marketing, blogs and other resources.
- New York Organic Dairy Program Connected with Cornell’s School of Ag and Life Science and Cooperative Extension, provides information to all parts of the organic dairy industry, including the consumer, dairy retailer, dairy processor, organic certifier, and farmers.
- NY Farmnet Provides farm families with a network of information, contacts and services addressing financial and personal challenges of agricultural business management.
- NYS Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program Several resources for growers, including organic guides.
- Small Farms Program
- Tree Fruit Pathology Group Information assisting New York farmers in managing the diseases that affect production of quality fruit.
- Vegetable Resources Index of Cornell resources for commercial growers.
- Viticulture and Enology Program Resources and expertise at Cornell related to grapes and wine.
Additional resources in the Cooperative Extension section of this guide.
Cornell Animal Production and Management Resources
- Cornell Animal Science Extension The goal of extension is to provide New York’s animal industries with information and technology to help them to be biologically efficient, economically profitable, sustainable and competitive in an increasingly challenging and environmentally conscious world.
- Cornell Sheep Program Source of information about sheep, wool, sheep milk, and their management, production, and marketing in the Northeastern United States.
- Goat Management Program Goal to improve the sustainability of goat farms in the Northeast US by providing educational resources and communication outlets to producers.
- National information resource supporting the U.S. lamb and goat meat industry with a particular emphasis on producers and specialty markets in the Northeastern states. Primary goal is to improve producer access to equitable markets while building regional capacity to supply the growing consumer demand for high quality lamb and goat meat.
Business & Marketing Resources at Cornell
- Cornell Agriculture & Food Technology Park Research and development park, adjacent to Cornell Ag. Exp. Station in Geneva, New York. Offers opportunity for multi-disciplinary collaboration with Cornell faculty, "to foster the creation, retention and expansion of agriculture and food-related technology-based facilities and related businesses for the benefit of both the State and local economies".
- Cornell Cooperative Enterprise Program supports training and research for cooperative business enterprises, and assists new, emerging cooperatives as well as groups of businesses forming networks in rural communities. CEP has grown out of a long-standing outreach effort at Cornell to support agricultural cooperative businesses since the turn of the century.
- Cornell Food Venture Center (located in Geneva and New York City) provides assistance to ensure safety and stability of food products entering the marketplace.
- Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management Outreach
- Entrepreneurship@Cornell
- Lead NY Program Leadership program for individuals working in the food and agricultural industy
Community & Economic Development Resources at Cornell
- Cornell Center for Regional Economic Advancement (CREA)
- Cornell Community and Regional Development Institute (CARDI)
- Publications and research including several dealing with agriculture and food systems
- Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture, and Development (CIIFAD) Initiates and supports innovative programs that contribute to improved prospects for global food security, sustainable rural development and environmental conservation around the world.
Cornell Cooperative Extension Resources
- Agriculture & Food Systems Programs & Resources
- Cornell Garden-Based Learning Site with learning activities, programs, publications, and other educational materials.
- Cornell Soil Health Testing Laboratory Home of the Comprehensive Assessment of Soil Health (CASH)
- Crop and Soil Sciences Extension and Outreach
- Dept. Horticulture Extension Outreach
- Gardening Resources
- Sugar Maple Research & Extension Program
- Vegetable Varieties for Gardeners Compiles information from gardeners to help decide what to grow.
- VineBalance Joint effort by the wine and juice grape industry, Cornell Cooperative Extension, and the New York Department of Agriculture and Markets to define and promote the use of sustainable growing practices on vineyards in New York State.
Nutrition & Diet Resources at Cornell
- Discovering the Food System An experiential learning program for children created by Horticulture and Nutrition faculty at Cornell.
- Farmers' Market Nutrition Education Program Designed to strengthen local capacity by promoting local farmers' markets as a healthy food source to low-income/at-risk consumers.
- Food Decision-Making Program Human Ecology program focused on helping people think differently about food and eating and the interrelationships within the food system, building family and community capacity to identify and implement effective change strategies.
- Mann Library Food Science Subject Guide
- Northeast Regional Food Guide Fact Sheets Dietary guidelines with foods from the Northeastern US, seasonal produce availability, and information on the Northeast food and agriculture system.
Food Science & Processing Resources at Cornell
- Cornell Agriculture & Food Technology Park Research and development park, adjacent to Cornell Ag. Exp. Station in Geneva, New York. Offers opportunity for multi-disciplinary collaboration with Cornell faculty
- Cornell Food Processing & Development Laboratory Research and extension assistance in all aspects of food product development and processing.