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Kheel Center Labor & Management Microfilm Collections
Please schedule a zoom appointment here to access any of the microfilm collections listed on this guide.
5724mf Cigar Makers International Union Records on Microfilm
Microfilm copy of Cigar Makers' International Union of America records including, agreements, financial statements and membership ledgers.
Reel 2, 13 Frances Perkins, Thomas Finn
Reel 2, 14 Frances Perkins, Thomas Finn r and p
Reel 2, 15 Frances Perkins, Thomas Finn Wage and Hour Div. reports 1939
5001mf American Association for Labor Legislation Records
Records consist of correspondence, committee minutes, reports, financial records and research documents generated by staff members to facilitate legislative programs. These research materials deal with the following subjects: general labor law, general social insurance, health insurance, occupational safety, diseases and accidents, labor law administration, pensions and old age benefits, unemployment, wages, hours of work, working conditions, workers' compensation and unionism.
Reel 19 Correspondence: 1918, Dec 10 - 1919, Apr 30. 1918-1919
Reel 32 Correspondence: 1925, Aug 1 - 1926, Jan 26. 1925-1926
Reel 39: Correspondence: 1929, Feb 6 - Jan 6. 1929
Reel 40: Correspondence: 1929, Feb 6 - 1930 Jan 6. (continued) 1929-1930
Reel 49: Correspondence: 1933, Feb 1 - Aug. 2 1933
Reel 52: Correspondence 1934, Aug 1 - 1935, Jan 24. 1934-1935
Reel 54: Correspondence: 1935, Oct 1 - 1936 Mar 31. 1935-1936
Reel 55: Correspondence: 1936, Apr 1 - Dec 31. 1936
Reel 57: Correspondence: 1937, Oct 19 - 1939 Mar 31. 1937-1939
5831mf CIO Files of John L. Lewis, Pt II: CIO General Files on Microfilm
This collection documents the origins and early history of the CIO as well as the dynamics of working-class militancy in the era of the Great Depression. The collection also provides a substantial amount of information concerning workers and trade unionism before the creation of the CIO and also after the UMWA's separation from the CIO in 1942.
Reel 2, 2: CIO - Miscellaneous Releases. 1937
Reel 10, 26: CIO - Iowa and Nebraska. 1939-1942
Reel 15, 16: AFL. 1933.
Reel 17, 5: AFL. 1939.
Reel 1, 6: 0769. Thomas J. Mooney and Warren K. Billings. Case File 185354. Section 3. 200 pages. 1919-1933