Searching the catalog by keyword

  1. From the library homepage, follow the link to the library catalog.
  2. In the library catalog, select the Advanced Search.
  3. Combine key words and phrases
  4. If using alternate terms, use the pull-down menu, to select [any], e.g., colonies colonialism decolonization [any]

library homepage pointing to catalog link

catalog advanced search

When you have a title ...

  1. From the library homepage, go to the library catalog.
  2. Enter the title. Note: Title searches can be finicky. It's often helpful to leave out punctuation like colons. The "All Fields" search will generally work well, but the dropdown menu provides additional options to search by title, journal title, title begins with, along with other options

library catalog dropdown menu

When the book isn't available at Cornell ...

If you're looking for a specific title and find and see 0 results, search Libraries Worldwide. In many cases, you will be able to request the book via BorrowDirect. The book will arrive for you in 3-5 days.

libraries worldwide