Collective Bargaining Laws
Here are some of the laws that regulate collective bargaining in the private and public sectors:
- National Labor Relations ActThe main act covering private sector labor relations. Codified as 29 U.S.C. §§ 151-169.
- Labor Management Relations Act of 1947 (Taft-Hartley Act)1947 amendments to the NLRA regulating labor union operations and scope of permissive activities of employers and unions.
- Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959Further amending the NLRA to require regular labor union disclosure of operating and financial information.
- Civil Service Reform Act of 1978Law governing collective bargaining for Federal employees.
Labor and Employment Law Research Tools
- CiteNet (NLRB)Use the free system of the NLRB to find Board decisions and their relevant cases.
- CiteNet User Guide (NLRB)This guide outlines how to use the NLRB's legal research system. Using CiteNet, you can do labor law research for free, including NLRB decisions and court cases from 1992-current.
- Cornell Law School: Cornell Legal Information Institute: Employment LawFind detailed legal guides for the sub-categories of affirmative action, civil rights, collective bargaining, employment, employment discrimination, labor pension, unemployment compensation, workers compensation, and workplace safety. The guides include overviews, cases, regulations, statutes, and secondary sources.
- Decisions (NLRB)Provides access to decisions of the National Labor Relations Board.
- elaws (U.S. Department of Labor)Provides employment laws assistance for workers and small businesses. Choose individual Advisors designed to help understand employee or employer rights and responsibilities. These Advisors are interactive and answers are customized to specific circumstances. Examples are "Family and Medical Leave Act Advisor," "Asbestos Advisor," and "Veterans' Preference Advisor."
- Employment Law from LawMemoRoss Runkel’s summaries of current cases and developments in arbitration, employment discrimination, employment and labor law. Frequently updated are the Employment Law Blog, Arbitration Blog, Employment Law 101, and Employment Law Reviews.
- Online Compensation Textbook (Economic Research Institute)Summary of terms, practices and laws that affect compensation for all U.S. States, Canadian provinces and other countries.
- Employment Law (FindLaw)Searchable web featuring links to various labor law information including employment discrimination, disability discrimination, sexual harassment, The Family and Medical Leave Act, and electronic workplace issues. Resources include government documents, journals, newsletters, and articles, databases, web sites, legal materials, blogs and discussion groups.
- Introduction to Basic Legal CitationAn online guide to help you cite legal materials for law memos and other legal documents.
- LSU Libraries' Federal Government Agencies PageSearchable list of government agencies, including Boards, Commissions and Committees and Independent agencies.
- NATLEXAn ILO database of national labour, social security and related human rights legislation.
- NLRB Manuals (including NLRB Style Manual)NLRB manuals are written for legal and non-legal audiences and provide a wealth of material useful for understanding and navigating NLRB cases.
- NLRB Research DatabaseThe NLRB Research database is a collection of all of the legal documents released by the NLRB on its website. This resource was created independently of the NLRB by Matt Bruenig, a labor lawyer and public policy expert.
- U.S. State Labor Relations & Mediation Agencies & BoardsThis ALRA (Association of Labor Relations Agencies) page links to the websites of U.S. state public employee relations and mediation boards and agencies, and notes states without. The page also includes links to U.S. Federal and Canadian provincial and federal pages.
- The Employment Law Information Network (ELIN)The Employment Law Information Network (ELIN) is a no charge legal resource web site that is designed for employment lawyers, in-house employment counsel and human resource professionals.
- Legal Research Guide: Labor and Employment Law (U.S.)Legal research requires the use of special tools and publications. The Virtual Chase informs about Web sites and research strategies for finding the law.
- WEX--Cornell Legal Information InstituteCommunity-built legal dictionary and encyclopedia, sponsored by Cornell's Legal Information Institute.
- Legal Memos (NLRB)Operations-Management memoranda are issued to the field offices from the Division of Operations-Management of the General Counsel’s Office in Washington to give direction in case handling matters.
- Citing Court Cases (Georgetown Law Library)A concise overview of case citation.
- Case Law Research Guide (Georgetown Law Library)This guide shows you how to read a case citation and will set out the sources, both print and online, for finding cases.
- Case Law Research Tutorial (Georgetown Law Library)In this tutorial, you will learn how to find judicial opinions, use digests, and update cases.
- Legal Research for Non-Lawyers (Duke Law)Introduction to the legal research process, using print and electronic sources.
- Basic Legal Skills (Gallagher Law Library)Extensive list of guides, tutorials, and slides on the legal research process.
- Thurgood Marshall Law Library Guide to Legal Research (Univ. of Maryland)Extensive guide to core concepts in legal research and print and electronic research strategies.
- Industrial Workers of the World Collected Documents, 1905-1971. #5210.(Link above goes to the finding aid.)
Includes a variety of pamphlets articulating the IWW's official position on industrial organization, strikes, and the AFL amo - State Legislative Documents: A Finding GuideA guide to locating state legislative materials online and in print.
- Immigrant Law Resource Center"The Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC) is a national non-profit resource center that provides legal trainings, educational materials, and advocacy to advance immigrant rights."
- National Immigration Law Center"NILC engages in policy analysis, litigation, education and advocacy, to achieve...racial, economic and social justice for low-income immigrants."
- National Conference of State Legislatures - Labor & EmploymentA bipartisan organization that serves the legislators and staffs of the nation's 50 states, its commonwealths and territories. NCSL provides research, technical assistance and opportunities for policymakers to exchange ideas on the most pressing state issues, including immigration. This link connects directly to the NCSL's Labor and Employment section.
- DigitalCollections@ILR - Labor Law and Collective Bargaining Faculty PublicationsCatherwood Library provides a repository of many full-text articles published by the expert faculty at the ILR School in the Labor Law and Collective Bargaining department.
- NELP - National Employment Law Project"The National Employment Law Project (NELP)[s] to restore the promise of economic opportunity in the 21st century economy."
- Workers' Rights HandbookA guide to workplace rights in New York State, organized by topic. Published by the Tompkins County Workers' Center.