Policy Organizations
- Economic Policy InstituteEPI is a is a nonprofit, nonpartisan think tank "that seeks to broaden the public debate about strategies to achieve a prosperous and fair economy". Their web site features briefings, data and reports on economic issues such as minimum wage, trade policies, employment trends.
- HR Policy AssociationThis organization's members include top HR executives. Read its Policy Briefs on HR topics.
- American Immigration CouncilThe American Immigration Council works to strengthen America by shaping how America thinks about and acts towards immigrants and immigration and by working toward a more fair and just immigration system that opens its doors to those in need of protection and unleashes the energy and skills that immigrants bring.
- Institute for Women's Policy Research (IWPR)The Institute for Women's Policy Research conducts research related to women’s economic, family, and social needs and their status in their community and society. Research findings are disseminated, often for free, through this web site.
- Kaiser Family FoundationThe Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation is an independent foundation that focuses on major U.S. health care issues through research and communication, often in partnership with other organizations. This is their main web site; through it you can access research and data about Medicaid, Medicare, Healthcare Costs, the Uninsured, Women's Health Policy, Minority Health, and more.
- Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA)The Labor and Employment Relations Association, formerly the Industrial Relations Research Association, is an organization of professionals interested in industrial relations and human resources. Its 3,000 members include academics and practitioners. LERA publications, including its periodical, Perspectives on Work; its Annual Research Volume; and its Proceedings provide analysis of collective bargaining and industrial relations issues. View the index of post 1992 LERA and IRRA publications.
- National Legal and Policy CenterThe NLPC advocates ending the use of compulsory union dues for political purposes.
- Rockefeller Institute--Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of GovernmentThe Rockefeller Institute of Government is the public policy research arm of the State University of New York. The Institute conducts research on the role of state and local governments in American federalism and on the management and finances of states and localities. The web site offers the full text of many of its reports plus an online version of its new journal, Journal of Governmental Finance and Public Policy.
- United States Council for International BusinessPromotes open markets, competitiveness and innovation, sustainable development and corporate responsibility. Site provides access to its journal as well as policy papers.
Policy and Legislation
- Congressional Budget OfficeThe Congressional Budget Office is a small nonpartisan agency that produces policy analyses, cost estimates of legislation, and budget and economic projections that serve as a basis for the Congress's decisions about spending and taxes.
- Congressional Research Service (CRS) ReportsCongressional Research Service (CRS) reports provide Congress with both anticipatory and on-demand research and analysis to support their legislative, oversight, and representational duties. All reports adhere to the core values of CRS; they are authoritative, objective and nonpartisan. Reports range in length from several pages to more than one-hundred pages and cover the full breadth of topics of interest to Congress. This collection provides the public with access to recent research products produced by the CRS. CRS reports are timely, objective, and authoritative research and analysis for committees and Members of both the House and Senate, regardless of political party affiliation.
- CRS - Congressional Research Reports Collection at UNTThe U.S. Congressional Research Service (CRS) is where Members of Congress turn for confidential, nonpartisan research and analysis on a range of issues. A number of libraries and non-profit organizations have sought to collect as many of the released reports as possible. UNT's collection is a centralized utility that brings together these collections to search.
- Migration Policy InstitutePolicy institute for migration and refuge issues, U.S. and international.
- National Conference of State LegislaturesAn excellent source for finding current state legislation as well as analyses of top issues.
- Public Agenda OnlinePublic Agenda provides unbiased research that bridges the gap between American leaders and what the public really thinks about issues ranging from education to foreign policy to immigration to religion and civility in American life.
- State and Local Government on the InternetA well-organized guide to state, regional, county, municipal, town, borough, and village government web sites. (The city guides are the product of the sponsoring company.)
- Stateline.orgThis nonprofit, independent web site is a resource for journalists, students, researchers and citizens interested in state-level policy issues. The site publishes state-related news on elections, crime, economy, health care, technology, taxes & budget, energy, politics and the environment daily (except for holidays). Additional reference materials includes an annual State of the States report.
- Think Tank Funding TrackerPublicly available repository of foreign government, U.S. government, and Pentagon contractor funding of the U.S.’s top 50 foreign policy think tanks going back to 2019.
- Congress.govProvides free access to a wide range of legislative information on the Congress, including the full text of the Congressional Record and bills for the 103rd to the present Congress, a directory of congressional committees and members of Congress, the weekly floor schedule for the House, and a schedule of daily committee hearings. Includes text of How our laws are made by Edward F. Willett Jr.
- Urban InstituteA "nonpartisan economic and social policy research organization" since 1968, the Urban Institute uses its web site to disseminate research briefs and reports on policy issues, including health care, housing, welfare, work & income, economy & taxes, crime & justice. The Policy Jargon Decoder is a useful glossary of public policy terms.
- MDRCMDRC is a nonprofit, nonpartisan education and social policy research organization based in New York City and Oakland, CA.
- MathematicaMathematica is a nonpartisan research organization that conducts policy research, data collection, and data analytics, and publishes reports and articles on employment topics.
- Workforce System Strategies (Workforce One)The database is a clearinghouse of workforce development research, developed by the U.S. Dept. of Labor's Employment and Training Administration (ETA). Indexed research represents a range of potential strategies that are informed by research evidence or peer expertise.
Campaign Finance and Elections
- Federal Election CommitteeThis government web site includes campaign finance reports and data (including historical campaign data), campaign finance law resources, election and voting information, and press releases.
- New York City Campaign Finance BoardThis Web Site provides information about the work of the New York City Campaign Finance Board including the voluntary New York City Campaign Finance Program that provides public matching funds to candidates who meet the requirements of the Program, the New York City Voter Guide; and a searchable contribution database.
- New York State Board of ElectionsThis is the home page of the New York State Board of Elections. Go to the "Campaign Finance" link for documents and guides to filing campaign finance disclosure forms. The "Disclosure Reports" link will take you to the database of disclosure documents by contributors and candidates.
- Open SecretsSubtitled "Your Guide to the Money in U.S. Elections", this guide to federal campaign contributions makes it easy to track donors (by individuals and PACs), recipients, and trends (giving by industry). Although the site focuses on federal elections, some local data and links to state and local campaign finance web sites are available. OpenSecrets was created by the Center for Responsive Politics, a non-partisan, non-profit organization.
- Project Vote SmartThe purpose of Project Vote Smart, a "citizen's organization", is to provide voters with unbiased, accurate information about electoral candidates. The basic categories of information are: biographical information, campaign finances, issue positions, interest group ratings, voting records, and public statements.