Frequently Asked Questions


Below are some common questions our users have about ORCID. Please do not hesitate to contact us at if you have any questions not addressed on this guide.

What does ORCID cost?

ORCID is free! Anyone who participates in research, scholarship, or innovation can register an ORCID iD for themselves free of charge, and you can use the same iD throughout your whole career‚ even if your name changes or you move to a different organization, discipline, or country.

Do I already have an ORCID record?

It’s okay if you don’t remember! Go to the Forgot password page, select the ORCID iD option, enter your registered email address in the email field, and select the Recover Account Details button.

You will receive an email from, letting you know your 16-digit ORCID identifier. Please see I forgot my ORCID iD, how do I recover it? for more information.

I have multiple ORCID records. How do I remove duplicate IDs?

It is important that each researcher only has one ORCID iD. If you have more than one ORCID iD, please follow these steps to remove duplicate ORCID iDs.

How do I reset my forgotten password?

ORCID can assist you in recovering your account details. Follow these directions to recover your password.

Can I transfer my works from Google Scholar to ORCID?

If you already maintain a Google Scholar profile and would like to transfer your works to ORCID, follow these instructions.

Can I delegate responsibility for my ORCID record to another person?

You can grant permission to one or more trusted individuals to update your ORCID record, acting as a delegate or proxy for managing your account. Other ORCID users can grant permission for you to update their records. A trusted individual does not need to be another researcher, but must have an ORCID iD. Please follow these steps to add a trusted delegate to your ORCID record.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
Cornell University Library's ORCID LibGuide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Please attribute Cornell University in any reuse.