Register Your Own ORCID Profile

  1. If you do not already have an ORCID ID, you can claim one at
    • Use your Cornell email address when you register. You can set your privacy preferences using the options listed. Note that "public" is the default option for your profile, while "limited" allows you to exchange information with select organizations.
    • You should only have one ORCID profile! Are you unsure whether or not you already have an ORCID profile? Check at the Forgot password page.
  2. Link your ORCID to Cornell by selecting Access through your institution when you sign in, and you won't have to remember a separate ORCID password.

Connect an Existing ORCID ID to Cornell University

If you already have an ORCID ID, you don't need another one as this ID will be yours uniquely throughout your career as a researcher. However, you may want to connect your ID to Cornell University. Once connected, you can log in to your ORCID account using your Cornell NetID credentials. You can also push citations/achievements from your ORCID profile to Cornell University activity reporting or grant application systems, saving yourself time in the long run.

To connect your ID, navigate to and click on the "Institutional account" tab. Once you select Cornell University as your home institution and sign in with your ORCID credentials, your ORCID will be linked to Cornell.


A green circle with "iD" in white lettering, an alternative ORCID logo

Do you have any questions about ORCID?

Do you need help creating an ORCID record?

Send us an email!

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Creative Commons License
Cornell University Library's ORCID LibGuide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Please attribute Cornell University in any reuse.