Browsing in the stacks; Searchiing in the library catalog

Cornell Library's collection on the Vietnam War contains books, microfilms and videos covering all aspects of the war, including history both of the war in Vietnam and the on home front; campaigns and battles; yearbooks of individual regiments and fighting units; the sea, air and land war; chemical warfare; weapons; women in the war; personal stories, fiction and more (PL4379 call number.)  Primary sources include items such as reproductions of captured documents, daily reports of the war from the military commands, the Kennedy and Johnson administration papers on the war, various daily bulletins from Saigon and Paris in English, Vietnamese and French; and about 120 local and national Vietnamese newspapers from that time period.  

The call number area for browsing books in the stacks is DS 557 - DS 559, on both book stack levels 1 ("oversize") and B1 (regular size.)  

To see all the specific categories on the subject of the Vietnam War, use the search box on the library catalog page.  Choose the "Subject Browse A-Z" field in the drop-down menu, and type in "Vietnam War."  The sub-topics under the Vietnam War heading are in alphabetical order, fortunately, as there are several dozen pages of detailed topics and about 11,000 items under that subject.

Reference and Introductory Works

(Introductory works, cont.)