What is Interlibrary Loan?
WACCI scholars are eligible to obtain copies of articles or chapters from books that they cannot access through TEEAL or AGORA using Mann Library's Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service. There is no limit to the number of articles WACCI scholars can request. Delivery of the material is a PDF document to your email address.
In your on-site library workshop at WACCI, you would have signed up for an ILL account. If you have questions about using the service or accessing your account, please email mann_ill@cornell.edu.
How to request an article from the library
Requesting articles through Interlibrary Loan can be done in a few simple steps.
- Make sure the article is NOT available in TEEAL or AGORA. Remember to sign in to TEEAL and AGORA using the sign-in and access information provided by WACCI or your home institution.
- If the items are not available, go to the following website to sign up to use the ILL system: http://supportingcast.mannlib.cornell.edu/ill/register/
- Using the UserName and Password that you registered with, sign in at https://cornell.hosts.atlas-sys.com/nonetid/lending/lendingLogon.html
- Click on the Request an Article Link.
- Fill in as much of the information as you have about the article you are requesting. Review the video below if you aren't sure how to use the citation information to fill in the form. Fields with a red * must be filled out.
- Click submit and wait for an email letting you know that your PDF is available!