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ARTH 3850 The Arts of Southeast Asia: Reference Sources

This guide covers introductory sources for arts in Southeast Asia, and sources specific to particular types of arts.

Browsing in the stacks

Books on the fine arts are on the oversize level 1 ("+" call numbers) and on the regular size level 1B (lower level) of the Kroch Asia book stacks.  This "Fine Arts" link is a list of specific subjects in the N to NX section, which makes it easier to browse for particular subject areas in the library stacks.

The TR+ (oversize) call number section on the Mezzanine in the Asia stacks covers photography, . 

Subclass N Visual arts
Subclass NA Architecture
Subclass NB Sculpture
Subclass NC Drawing. Design. Illustration
Subclass ND Painting
Subclass NE Print media
Subclass NK Decorative arts  (textiles, embroidery and more)
Subclass NX Arts in general

Reference Sources