The databases listed below are the most relevant for finding scholarly and practitioner-targeted articles on collective bargaining from a variety of perspectives.
- ABI/InformABI Inform is an extensive international business and management database, contains bibliographic citations, abstracts, and full text of articles appearing in professional publications, academic journals, and trade magazines published worldwide. Also known as ProQuest.
- Labor & Employment Practice Center (Bloomberg Law)Bloomberg BNA Labor & Employment Law Resource Center is a searchable database which provides access to various types of legal information about labor issues in the United States.
- Business Source CompleteBusiness Source Complete provides full text for scholarly business journals and other sources, including full text for more than 1,800 peer-reviewed business publications. Coverage includes virtually all subject areas related to business. This database provides full text (PDF) for top scholarly journals, including the Harvard Business Review. It also includes industry and country reports from Euromonitor and company and industry reports from Datamonitor.
- Hein OnlineContains a variety of full text national and international legal sources, including law review journal articles.
- LabordocLabordoc is the ILO (International Labour Organization) Institutional and Open Access Repository where hundreds of thousands of ILO books, journal articles, reports, working papers, and more are available online.
- Web of ScienceThe Web of Science citation databases are multidisciplinary databases of bibliographic information indexed to be searched by subject, author, journal, and/or author address. They can also be searched for articles that cite a known author or work. Cited reference searching allows use of a given work as if it were a subject term, to identify more recent articles on the same topic.
- Daily Labor Report (BNA)BNA's signature newsletter. Covers labor developments. Available also in print at the Catherwood Library.
- Union Labor Report Newsletters (BNA)A newsletter for union members and union officers.
Additional Labor News Sources
- Labor NotesLabor Notes is a monthly publication and organization devoted to the activities of grassroots labor and union activists. The web site offers selected articles from the current and recent (past year) issues, plus sells Labor Notes books and pamphlets.
- Labor Press"New York’s leading source of news for politics and economic issues affecting workers."
- LabourStartLabourStart is an online news service maintained by a global network of volunteers, which aims to serve the international trade union movement by collecting and disseminating information. Its features include daily labor news links in 17 languages and a news syndication service used by more than 630 trade union websites. News is collected from mainstream, trade union, and alternative news sources by a network of nearly 350 volunteer correspondents based on every continent.
- ILR in the NewsHighlights of ILR Alumni, Faculty, Staff, and Students in the news.
- Workplace Issues TodaySelected by the Catherwood Library Reference Staff each Monday through Friday, excluding University holidays, WIT is a free alert service, providing abstracts and links to workplace-related news stories covered in the major media.
- Current U.S. Labor Union PeriodicalsThis is an historical bibliography of U.S. labor union periodicals. (November 2010) It includes links to web locations for many of the periodicals. Also included is a comprehensive bibliography of sources for labor union news and two brief studies on the 2010 state of union communications.