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Here are some suggestions for getting up to speed with labor issues.
- Labor & Employment Practice Center (Bloomberg Law)Formerly the Bloomberg BNA Labor & Employment Law Resource Center, the Bloomberg Law Labor & Employment Practice Center is a searchable database which provides access to various types of legal information about labor issues in the United States. Has sections called: Daily labor report, Disabilities law, Discrimination law, Individual employment rights, Labor arbitration & collective bargaining, Labor relations, Occupational safety, Wages, hours, and leave. Also includes: Affirmative action compliance manual for federal contractors, Affirmative action compliance newsletter, Americans with Disabilities Act manual, Americans with Disabilities Act manual. Newsletter, Collective bargaining negotiations and contracts, Collective bargaining bulletin, Construction labor report, Daily labor report, Employment discrimination report, Employment law practice tools, EEOC compliance manual, EEO compliance newsletter, Government employee relations report, International labor and employment laws (3rd ed.), Labor relations week, Workplace immigration report, Workplace law report, Verdicts and settlements.
- Labor PLUS (Bloomberg Law)The Labor PLUS database includes five components: NLRB Elections , Work Stoppages , Unfair Labor Practice Charges , Settlement Summaries , and Contract Expirations. Each component allows searching and filtering by criteria such as union, employer, geography, industry, and date.
- Congressional Research Service (CRS) ReportsCongressional Research Service (CRS) reports provide Congress with both anticipatory and on-demand research and analysis to support their legislative, oversight, and representational duties. All reports adhere to the core values of CRS; they are authoritative, objective and nonpartisan. Reports range in length from several pages to more than one-hundred pages and cover the full breadth of topics of interest to Congress. This collection provides the public with access to recent research products produced by the CRS. CRS reports are timely, objective, and authoritative research and analysis for committees and Members of both the House and Senate, regardless of political party affiliation.
- Contract Bargaining Handbook for Local Union Leaders byCall Number: ILR Library HD6508 .B42 2017ISBN: 1682673529Publication Date: 2017-06-01"This is the union leader or union attorney’s essential nuts-and-bolts handbook on bargaining for pay, fringes, and other terms and conditions of employment in sectors ranging from manufacturing to the retail, service, and local government. It includes step-by-step checklists to guide you through the process."
- CQ Electronic LibraryCQ’s authoritative and balanced coverage of public affairs includes the CQ Researcher, CQ Weekly, CQ Public Affairs Collection, CQ Voting and Elections Collection, CQ Congress Collection and the CQ Encyclopedia of American Government. Includes increased
- Directory of U.S. Labor OrganizationsILR Library HD6504 .A15
This directory contains information on unions in general. Includes narratives about sources of union data. Contact information, officers, publications, and membership totals are listed for national unions. Contacts and internal structure for the AFL-CIO are also provided. Listings by state for locals and independents are included. Common names, abbreviations, and reporting requirements, and an officer index enhance this directory.
Drafting the Union Contract: A Handbook for the Management Negotiator by
Call Number: ILR Reference KF3407.A8 L32ISBN: 9781422480175This loose-leaf service provides guidance for management. Topics include organizing and drafting an agreement; union recognition; costing the contract; management rights; and the various kinds of clauses that appear in collective bargaining contracts. This publication is also available in Lexis Advance.The Encyclopedia of Strikes in American History by
Call Number: EBook; ILR Reference HD5324.E39 2009ISBN: 9780765626455Publication Date: 2010-10-29This comprehensive encyclopedia is a detailed collection of historical research on strikes in America. Each industry essay introduces a group of workers and their employers and places them in their economic, political, and community contexts. The essay then describes the industry's various strikes, including the main issues involved and outcomes achieved, and assesses the impact of the strikes on the industry over time. Thematic essays address questions that can only be answered by looking at a variety of strikes across industries, groups of workers, and time.Grievance Guide by
Call Number: ILR HD6972.5 .G74 2012ISBN: 1617460958Publication Date: 2012-11-01The Grievance Guide presents synopses of current arbitration cases, complete with citations to the full text of arbitration awards that BNA publishes in its Labor Arbitration and Dispute Settlements, which contains coverage of major decisions and reports on arbitrators, fact-finding bodies, and other agencies that are involved in settling labor disputes.
- National Conference of State LegislaturesAn excellent source for finding current state legislation as well as analyses of top issues.
- Proquest CongressionalProvides users with access to a comprehensive collection of historic and current congressional information. Includes full text of congressional publications, finding aids, a bill tracking service, public laws and other research materials. The database is an effective source for general research in many academic disciplines, in addition to research related to specific legislative proposals and laws. Researchers can access information about Congress, including member biographical and committee assignment information, voting records, and financial data.
- Robert's Dictionary of Industrial Relations byCall Number: ILR HD4839 .R61 1994ISBN: 0871797771Publication Date: 1994-01-01Contains important terms for understanding industrial relations.
- Source book on collective bargaining, wages, benefits, and other contract issues--BNAILR Reference HD4975 .B66
This annual publication is a good way to track trends in collective bargaining. - Union Labor Report: A Guide to Union Rights and Responsibilities Explaining the Rules of Union Organizing, Collective Bargaining, Strikes, and Day-by-Day Shop Problems Under Federal and State Law - BNAILR Reference HD6495.U5 B9
A guide to union rights and responsibilities--explaining the rules of union organizing, collective bargaining, strikes, and day-by-day shop problems under federal and state law. This source is very comprehensive and could provide an overview of the U. S. labor movement.