Economics; A Changing North Korea
The Changes in North Korea's Fiscal and Financial Systems in the Kim Jong-Un Era by
Call Number: HC470.2 .H6513 2023Publication Date: 2023 (Seoul, Korea : Korea Institute for National Unification (KINU))(Study Series 23-01)
- North Korean Economy Watch"News and Analysis of the North Korean Economy." News from various sources; some with video. Web site includes inks to DPRK Digital Atlas, Google Earth North Korea, and other pages covering NKEW's reports on a large variety of topics.
- Jangmadang Marketization in North KoreaOct. 5, 2021 article from HRNK web site discussing background and development of the system of citizens' markets, their influence on the younger generation, and official (and unofficial) government response to the markets.
A Most Enterprising Country: North Korea in the Global Economy by North Korea has survived the end of the Cold War, massive famine, numerous regional crises, punishing sanctions, and international stigma. [This book] explores the puzzle of how the most politically isolated state in the world nonetheless sustains itself in large part by international trade and integration into the global economy....Hastings shows through in-depth examinations of North Korea's import and export efforts, with a particular focus on restaurants, the weapons trade, and drug trafficking.
Call Number: HC 470.2 H37 2016ISBN: 9781501704901Publication Date: 2016: Ithaca ; London : Cornell University PressNorth Korea's Official Markets in 2022 by
Call Number: HF 3830.6 Z5 H6613 2023Publication Date: 2023 ( Seoul, Korea : Korea Institute for National Unification (KINU))"This survey located official markets in operation across 28 cities, 140 counties, 3 districts and 2 sub-districts, using satellite images to locate markets and analyze historical changes." Includes statistical tablesNorth Korea and the Geopolitics of Development by Kevin Gray and Jong-Woon Lee focus on three geopolitical 'moments' that have been crucial to the shaping of the North Korean system: colonialism, the Cold War, and the rise of China, to demonstrate how broader processes of geopolitical contestation have fundamentally shaped the emergence and subsequent development of the North Korean political economy.
Publication Date: 2021 ( Cambridge : Cambridge University Press)Hard Target: Sanctions, Inducements, and the Case of North Korea by Because authoritarian regimes like North Korea can impose the costs of sanctions on their citizens, these regimes constitute "hard targets." Yet authoritarian regimes may also be immune--and even hostile--to economic inducements if such inducements imply reform and opening. This book captures the effects of sanctions and inducements on North Korea and provides a detailed reconstruction of the role of economic incentives in the bargaining around the country's nuclear program. Stephan Haggard and Marcus Noland draw on an array of evidence to show the reluctance of the North Korean leadership to weaken its grip on foreign economic activity. They argue that inducements have limited effect on the regime, and instead urge policymakers to think in terms of gradual strategies.
Call Number: HF 1602.6 H34 2017Publication Date: 2017 ( Stanford, California : Stanford University Press)- Criminal Sovereignty: Understanding North Korea's Illicit International Activities by North Korea practices a form of 'criminal sovereignty' that is unique in the contemporary international security arena. North Korea uses state sovereignty to protect itself from external interference in its domestic affairs while dedicating a portion of its government to carrying out illicit international activities in defiance of international law and the domestic laws of numerous other nations. Office #39 is the agency involved in smuggling, counterfeiting, and trafficking to support the leader's [Kim Jong Il] lifestyle, the elite and the military."Publication Date: 2010 (Carlisle, PA : Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College)
People for Profit: North Korean Forced Labour on a Global Scale by "Exploited and forced into excruciating conditions, North Korean workers are sent across the world in order to earn foreign currency ..Tracing this modern form of slavery to Taiwan, Russia, Euprope and Africa, this book lays bare a portion of the extensive financial and labour networks through which the DPRK earns its hard currency despite sanctions..."
Call Number: HD4875.K7 P46 2018 +Publication Date: 2018 (Leiden, The Netherlands : LeidenAsiaCentre)Heroes and Toilers: Work as Life in Postwar North Korea, 1953-1961 by Author Kim traces the state's pursuit of progress through industrialism and examines how ordinary people challenged it every step of the way. Even more than coercion or violence, work was crucial to state control. Industrial labor was both mode of production and mode of governance, characterized by repetitive work, mass mobilization, labor heroes, and the insistence on convergence between living and working. At the same time, workers challenged state power--coming late to work, switching jobs, fighting with bosses, and profiting from the black market, as well as following approved paths to secure their livelihood, resolve conflict, and find happiness.
Call Number: DS935.3 .K45 2018Publication Date: 2018 ( New York : Columbia University Press)- Outsiders: Memories of Migration to and from North Korea by "Between 1959 and 1984, some 87,000 Koreans and 6,750 Japanese migrated to North Korea from Japan as part of a “repatriation project” organized by the governments of North Korea and Japan, with the oversight of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). The most telling misnomer with regard to the events discussed in this book is that the mass exodus of Koreans and Japanese to North Korea was a repatriation at all..... The reality, as shown in chapters 1 and 2, is that the people who migrated to North Korea, the vast majority of whom were originally from southern areas of the Korean Peninsula, went as a response to untenable social and economic conditions in Japan."Publication Date: 2022 (New York : Berghahn)
North Korea in Transition: Politics, Economy and Society by "Following the death of Kim Jong Il, North Korea has entered a period of profound transformation laden with uncertainty. This authoritative book brings together the world’s leading North Korea experts to analyze both the challenges and prospects the country is facing. Drawing on the contributors’ expertise across a range of disciplines, the book examines North Korea’s political, economic, social, and foreign policy concerns"
Call Number: JQ 1729.5 A58 N66 2013Publication Date: 2013 (lanham, Md.: Rowman & Litlefield Publishers)North Korea: Markets and Military Rule by "In this historically grounded, richly empirical study of social and economic transformation in North Korea, Hazel Smith evaluates the 'marketization from below' that followed the devastating famine of the early 1990s. Smith shows how ... the famine brought radical social change to all of North Korean society. This major new study analyses how marketization transformed the interests, expectations and values of the entire society, including Party members, the military, women and men, the young and the elderly. Smith shows how the daily life of North Koreans has become alienated from the daily pronouncements of the North Korean government.
Call Number: DS 935 S57 2015Publication Date: 2015 (Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press)