Compensation and Benefits
- BenefitsLink(tm) - The Employee Benefits Web SiteQuestions and answers about Section 125, COBRA, HIPAA, and more. Comprehensive index of Internet resources alphabetically by topic. Job openings and Jobs wanted. Keyword search capability. Opportunity to communicate with people with similar benefits interests and experiences.
- Employee Benefits Security Administration (U.S. Department of Labor)Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA), U.S. Department of Labor, protects the integrity of pensions, health plans, and other employee benefits for more than 150 million people.
- Employment Cost Trends (BLS)Includes Employment Cost Index that can be used to track changes and Employer Costs for Employee Compensation which includes break downs on benefit costs. One variable that is useful is union vs non-union employers.
- Integrated Benefits InstituteInformation about the mission of the Institute and its current members. Overview of publications and ordering information. Some articles on benefits topics.
- International Foundation of Employee Benefit PlansNonprofit educational organization. Membership information and descriptions of services. Job postings. Hot topics with summaries of related articles. Details about the Employee Benefits INFOSOURCE database and document delivery service. Links to other Internet resources.
- Retirement Plans, Benefits and Savings (U.S. Department of Labor)Retirement information from the Employment Benefits Security Administration.
Compensation and Benefits Data
- Cornell ILR Wage AtlasAlthough existing tools, such as the New York State (NYS) Department of Labor’s (DOL’s) interactive Occupational Wages data visualization, allow users to find typical wages and wage ranges by job and labor market region in NYS, such tools do not offer opportunities to explore and quantify wage disparities by race-ethnicity, gender, age, or related demographic and household characteristics. The Cornell ILR Wage Atlas seeks to begin filling this gap with tools that enable users — policymakers, advocates, grassroots organizations, researchers, planners, and economic development practitioners, among others — to identify disparities in earnings, and disparities in earning a living wage, by a host of demographic and geographic variables.
- Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI)EBRI promotes the understanding and furtherance of employee benefits national policy. It is a neutral organization that does objective research on employee benefit programs and public policy with regard to employee benefits. Additional electronic content is available at the ILR Library. Please ask for assistance at the ILR Reference Desk.
- FreeERISA (BenefitsPro)FreeERISA provides free access to all form 5500s filed with the Department of Labor over the past two years, which include data on retirement, health, life, and other benefits plans from more than 1 million U.S. companies.
- Living Wage CalculatorDeveloped by researchers at MIT, the Living Wage Calculator estimates the the cost of living in your community or region and lists typical expenses, the living wage and typical wages for the selected location.
- MovingCompare the cost of living in hundreds of U.S. and International cities. Provides state tax tables. Crime indexes for 500 cities. Interstate moving costs. Insurance premium estimates. Mortgage recommendations. Compute loan amount for which you may qualify. Plan your move with a custom timeline. Other interesting information, including a Salary Calculator, for planning a move.
- Overview of BLS Statistics on Pay and Benefits (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)Recommended site for finding authoritative and current information on U.S. pay and benefits. The BLS has various surveys that report on employee compensation. They are described on this site.
- Public Pensions (OECD)Access public pension indicators, outlooks and expenditures, from an international perspective.
- Public Plans DatabaseDeveloped by The Center for State and Local Government Excellence and the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, "the PPD contains comprehensive financial, governance, and plan design information for 126 state and local defined benefit plans, along with additional data on state defined contribution plans."
- is an online compensation information for individuals, business managers and human resource professionals. Salary information is available through compensation surveys and the Salary Wizard,'s compensation tool. In addition to compensation data, editorial content on compensation advice, negotiation tactics and news specific to the compensation marketplace are also provided.