
Below you will find a few suggestions for searching this topic. These suggestions aren't the only way to find materials, but they may help to get you started.


I. Find Background Information

Reference Source:

  • The Cambridge World History of Human Disease
    Don't use the search window at the top. Scroll down to Search in this book. Open the PDF to view the article. The entry includes a bibliography at the end, with a long list of references, including some primary sources (for example, the articles published by Sachs and Tay). Ask us for help tracking them down. We won't have all of them, but we may have some!

II. Search the Catalog

A search for Tay-Sachs returns several items of interest. Note: Apparently, the catalog is also finding "tay sachs" in transliterated asian language records. This makes it appear that there are more titles than there are.

Suggested search:

  1. Open the library catalog
  2. Enter Tay-Sachs and use the pull-down menu to select Subject.

III. Search for scholarly journal articles

A search for Tay-Sachs returns over 5,000 entries. You can narrow that down by adding terms to focus your search on specific aspects. Suggestion: Tay-sachs and (overview or history)

IV. Search for current and historical articles from "popular" (written for the general public) magazines and newspapers.

Current articles:

  1. Select the Advanced Search
  2. Scroll down to limit to Document Type, Magazines
  3. Add your search terms or phrase: Tay-sachs

Historical Articles:

  1. Select the Advanced Search.
  2. Add your search terms: Tay-Sachs
  3. Scroll down to choose Document types -->Articles
  4. If you wish, use the date limits on the right to restrict your results to a particular date range.