
Below you will find a few suggestions for searching this topic. These suggestions aren't the only way to find materials, but they may help to get you started.


I. Find Background in Reference Sources

II. Search the Library Catalog

Enter "chlamydia" into the search box and search all fields.Try these techniques to assess and refine your results.

First approach:

  1. Open the library catalog
  2. Type in the term chlamydia
  3. Sort the results by "year descending" to see more easily which sources are most recent and which may be dated
  4. Read through and assess the titles on your results list:
    1. Which titles seem to provide broader and more general information, and which titles address more specialized topics?
    2. Which titles seem intended for the general public, and which titles seem to target medical or scientific professionals?
    3. Pick out several titles that seem most relevant to your assignment.

Second approach:

  1. Type in the term chlamydia
  2. From the list of results, look under Limit Your Search (left-hand menu) to select Subject or Genre.

III. Find current Scholarly Journal Articles (secondary sources)

Search the following databases:

IV. Find articles on chlamydia in  current popular magazines* and newspapers

*Popular, in this context, means non-scholarly, written for the general public.

  • Proquest Research Library
    Enter your search terms, "chlamydia" in any field;
    Or, enter your search term "chlamydia" and use the pull-down menu to select document title;
    Place quotation marks around phrases;
    From the list of results, filter to Magazines; and select a time period;
    Under Publication Titles, select "more" to select specific magazine titles of interest.
  • Access World News

    Select a geographic region, e.g. the United States;
    Type in the search term chlamydia;
    Use the pull-down menu to limit your search terms to the Headline;
    Try limiting to a narrow date range. Compare articles from the last three months to articles from 30 years ago!

V. Find more scholarly journal articles published over time.

  • Search the database History of Science, Technology & Medicine
    Enter the search terms "chlamydia" and "history." See which result may be most helpful. Is it a journal article? If so, here's how to get to it:
  1. Go to the Cornell Library Catalog.
  2. Enter the title of the journal (not the title of the article) into the search box.
  3. Next, choose "Journal Title" from the dropdown menu, and click search. Find an online version of the journal, and go to the record. Access the content using the link that best matches the date of the article you are looking for.