
Below you will find a few suggestions for searching this topic. These suggestions aren't the only way to find materials, but they may help to get you started.

Celiac Disease

I. Find Background information

Sample article reference from the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine:

The Rise and Fall of Celiac Disease in the United States
By: Abel, Emily K. IN: Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 65, p. 81--105. 2010.

To find this article,

  1. Search the library catalog for the Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences.
  2. Open the record for the journal (in this case, it's online) and search for volume 65 (2010), to find the article.

Follow this process for any reference of interest in the History of Science Technology and Medicine or other unlinked references you may find. Don't forget to ask us, if you run into any trouble!

II. Search the catalog

Go directly to the library catalog (rather than searching from the home page)

  1. Type in "celiac disease" in quotation marks.
  2. Under Limit Your Search, scroll down to select "Subject" and "more" to see all of the subject headings breakdown.
  3. Also, under Limit Your Search, scroll down to open "Genre" and "more" to find some popular (non-scholarly) works.

III. Finding scholarly journal articles (secondary sources)

Tip: A search for "celiac disease" and overview returns a more manageable number of results and some look fairly promising, for example Celiac Disease: A Medical Puzzle.

IV. Finding current and historical articles from popular magazines* and newspapers

"Popular magazines," in this context mean, non-scholarly, written for the general public.

  • Proquest Research Library

    Enter your search terms: "celiac disease"';
    Place quotation marks around phrases;
    From the list of results, filter to Magazines; and select a time period;
    Under Publication Titles, select "more" to select specific magazine titles of interest.

This will retrieve a large number of articles from a wide variety of magazines. Tip! In the right-hand column, select "Publication Title" and page through to select some titles of interest, e.g. Mother Jones, O : the Oprah magazine, USA Today, Time or other popular titles you may recognize.

  • Access World News
    Select a geography, e.g. United States;
    Add your topic terms: "celiac disease"
    You may wish to use the pull-down menu to limit your topic terms to the Lead/First Paragraph.

V. Finding historical newspaper articles

How was celiac disease discussed in the popular press in the past?


  1. Select the Advanced Search.
  2. Add your search terms
  3. Scroll down to choose Document types.
  4. Use the date limits on the left to restrict your results to a particular date range.