Proquest Images

ProQuest Historical Newspapers logo

ProQuest Historical Newspapers allows users to perform advanced searches for several different types of images published in historical newspapers (i.e., The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal).

Here's how:

  • Launch ProQuest Historical Newspapers
  • Select Advanced Search
  • Use the "Document Type" box to limit your search to one or more of the following types of articles: editorial cartoon/comic, illustration, image/photograph, interview, etc.

You can also search the larger ProQuest Research Library for even more resources, but you cannot search both ProQuest databases at the same time.

Here's how:

  • Launch ProQuest Research Library
  • Select Advanced Search
  • Use the "Document Type" box to limit your search (as above) to editorial cartoons, recipes, interviews, obituaries, photographs, or other documents. The list of options is longer than what you find in ProQuest Historical Newspapers.

Academic Search Premier

EBSCO logo

Academic Search Premier (and other EBSCO Host databases)

EBSCO Academic Search Premier provides full text for nearly 4,650 academic multi-disciplinary serials, including full text for more than 3,600 peer-reviewed titles. PDF backfiles to 1975 or further are available for well over one hundred journals, and searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,000 titles. This database is updated on a daily basis.

Look to the right side of the search results screen for related images. Includes some results from Getty Images.

Also try an advanced search for articles with "Image quick view" and even specify which types of images you're looking for.

Black Studies Center

Black Studies Center logo

Black Studies Center

In regular search results, the camera icon Black Studies Center's camera iconindicates that the entry has at least one image or multimedia component.

To limit your search results to entries that have images or multimedia:

  1. Click on the search tab
  2. Enter search term(s)
  3. For Content Type, deselect all but multimedia.
  4. Click on the search key to launch search

Bloomsbury Fashion Central

Bloomsbury's Fashion Central is all about IMAGE, but you can also take advantage of its imageS search functions by using the advanced searching features.

Image: screen shot of Bloomsbury Fashion Central advanced search options

You can search by Image Title, Image Designer, or Museum Collection in the Advanced Search

Major Image and Print Resources

ECCO logo

Eighteenth century collections online (ECCO). Aims to include every significant English-language and foreign-language title printed in the United Kingdom, along with thousands of important works from the Americas, between 1701 and 1800. Consists of books, pamphlets, broadsides, ephemera and images contained therein.

This database is full of images. Regular search results include links to lists of illustrations if they exist. The illustrations are not high quality, but quite useful nonetheless. Other relevant content includes: theatrical scripts, art instruction books, satirical pamphlets, and illustrated musical scores.

Advanced Search allows searches by illustrated works containing cartoons, charts, coats of arms, genealogical tables, illustrations, maps, music, plans, or portraits.

EEBO logo

Early English books online (EEBO) Contains over 125,000 titles listed in Pollard & Redgrave's Short-Title Catalogue (1475 - 1640), Wing's Short-Title Catalogue (1641-1700), and the Thomason Tracts (1640-1661).

The Advanced Search includes a very nice "search by illustration type" feature that allows you to find portraits, maps, forms, charts, plans, music, coats of arms, genealogical tables, title page borders, printers' marks (by title page or colophon), illustrations, plates, or symbols. A separate illustration help page offers further details. Users can download high-resolution images of pages, but the scans themselves are not publication-quality. Some manipulation of images for research purposes may be necessary.

Cultural Studies Databases

Includes a "Visual Resources" section with image galleries, thematic photographic galleries, video, and exhibitions.

Includes a "Visual Sources" section with an image gallery, 360 object gallery, early cinema footage, and optical toys filmed in action.

Includes a "Visual Resources" section with a fine art gallery, an art wall, modern photographs, and effects & objects

Includes an image gallery of illustrations, photographs & maps.

Includes a "Visual Resources" section with visual galleries and online exhibitions.

US Government

The U.S. government commissions and publishes a number of images.

U.S Congressional Serial Set (Readex)
This is the database of digitized texts from the bound, sequentially numbered volumes of all the reports, documents, and journals of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives. Upon completion, the digital version of the Serial set will consist of over 12 million pages. Database searchable by subject, publication category, standing committee author, and other parameters. Cornell also holds print versions of the entire run.

You can limit searches to results that contain tables, maps, and/or illustrations. The list of search results should indicate which results contain maps, color maps, tables, and/or illustrations.

Images may be downloaded as pdf, bi-tonal (black & white) pdf, or tiff. Some jpg downloads are also offered.

Examples of material found in the Serial Set include reports of geological surveys, agricultural reports, portraits, disaster reports, contested election materials, and much, much more.

Oxford Islamic Studies Online

Oxford Islamic Studies Online

Contains over 3,000 A-Z reference entries, chapters from scholarly and introductory works, Qur’anic materials, primary sources, images, maps, and timelines.

  • Choose the Image & Map Search.
  • You can then limit to field, geographic region, time period, and subject.


Image: Bibliotheque Nationale de France's Gallica logo

Gallica: Over 4,000,000 digital objects--books, manuscripts, images, maps, newspapers, and much more, from the Bibliotheque Nationale. The advanced search allows searching for videos and images.