General Reference Sources
Enciclopedia universal ilustrada europeo-americanaCall Number: Library Annex Oversize AE 61 .E56 + (1907-1930); Oversize AE61 .E56 Appx. + (1930-1933); Oversize AE 61 .E56 Suppl. + (1934-2001/2002, 2005/2006)
Barcelona: Espasa.
"Often cited as Espasa, the original encyclopedic set is a standard in many large libraries because of its long articles, bibliographies, good illustrations, and maps. It is especially strong in biography and gazetteer information. Espasa can also be used as a language dictionary, giving etymologies and word equivalents in French, Italian, English, German, Portuguese, Catalan, and Esperanto. The encyclopedia is updated by annual supplements (Enciclopedia universal ilustrada europeo americana. Suplemento anual), which began publication in 1934. The original supplements were arranged thematically, not alphabetically." [Guide to Reference, 1996, AB94]
Latinoamericana: Enciclopedia contemporánea de América Latina y el CaribeCall Number: Olin Library Reference F 1406 .L3618 2009 +
Madrid, España: Akal ; [Sao Paulo, SP]: Boitemps; [Buenos Aires?]: Clacso, 2009.
One-volume, Spanish-language encyclopedia.
Spanish-Language Reference Books: An Annotated BibliographyCall Number: Uris Library A.D. White Z 1035.1 .S73 +
Compiled by Bibliotecas para la Gente, Reference Committee.
Berkeley, CA: Chicano Studies Library Publications Unit, University of California at Berkeley, 1989.
Reference Sources: Art
Diccionario ilustrado de arquitectura: contiene mas de 5.000 vocablos y 7.000 acepciones, voces tecnicas y modismos, 400 ilustraciones y un vocabulario ingles-español con 1.600 palabrasCall Number: Fine Arts Library Reference NA 31 .P43
Carlos E. Perez Calvo. Bogota: J. Plazas S., 1979.
El pequeño Larousse ilustrado: edición centenario 2005Call Number: Library Annex AG 61 .P48 2005
Barcelona : Larousse, 2005.
11th edition.
La gestión artístico-cultural y la mujer en EspañaCall Number: Olin Library Stacks ND 1460 .W65 R63 2008
Mirta Gloria Rodriguez Acero.
Málaga: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Málaga, 2008.
Modernización y modernismo en el arte mexicanoCall Number: Olin Library Stacks Oversize N 6554 .R36 2008 +
Fausto Ramirez.
México, D.F.: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas, 2008.
Reference Sources: Citation Style
Manual de estilo Chicago-DeustoCall Number: Olin Library Reference Z 253 .U6918 2013. Shelved at the Reference desk.
Adaptación y edición de Javier Torres Ripa.
Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto, 2013.
Spanish version of The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition.
Reference Sources: History and Biography
Diccionario biográfico españolCall Number: Library Annex Oversize CT 1343 .D52 2009 +
Jaime Alvar Ezquerra.
Madrid: Real Academia de la Historia, 2009-2013.
50 volumes.
The national biography of Spain.
Diccionario Espasa historia de España y AméricaCall Number: Olin Library Stacks DP 56 .D55z 2002
Jaime Alvar Ezquerra.
Madrid: Espasa, 2002.
An excellent dictionary of the major literary figures in Spain, recent (ex.: Laura Espido Freire) and historical (Cervantes).
Enciclopedia del español en los Estados UnidosCall Number: Olin Library Stacks Oversize E 184.S75 E566 2009+
Humberto Morales.
Madrid: Instituto Cervantes : Español Santillana, 2009.
Latinoamericana: Enciclopedia contemporánea de América Latina y el CaribeCall Number: Olin Library Reference F 1406 .L3618 2009
Emir Sander, et al.
Madrid: Akal; [São Paulo, SP]: Boitempo; [Buenos Aires?]: Clacso, 2009.
Milenios de MéxicoCall Number: Olin Library Stacks Oversize F 1204 .M955x 1999 +
Humberto Musacchio.
México: Hoja Casa Editorial, 1999. 3 volumes.
A dictionary of Mexican history, geography, and society offers information on prominent individuals in all fields, cities, states, and geographical features, Mexico's relations with each country in the world, and other subjects.
Población de los actuales términos municipales, 1900-1981: Poblaciones de hecho según los censosCall Number: Library Annex Oversize HA 1542 .G21
Madrid: I.N.E., [1985?].
Reference Sources: Literature, Theater, Film
Autoras en la historia del teatro español, 1500-1994Call Number: Uris Library A.D. White Z 2693.5 .W6 A8x 1996
Madrid: Publicaciones de la Asociación de Directores de Escena de España, 1996.
Bibliografía de la literatura hispánicaCall Number: Uris Library A.D. White Z 2691 .S59 1983
José Simón Díaz.
Madrid: C.S.I.C., 1983.
Literary histories, collections, anthologies, monographs precede extensive listing of editions, translations and critical studies of individual authors. The work is in progress: as of this writing, vol. 16, continuing coverage of authors of the Siglos de Oro, is the latest received.
Bibliografía general española, siglo XV-2000Call Number: Olin Library Stacks PQ 6006 .B535 2000
Munich: K.G. Saur, 2000.
A bibliography of Spanish language titles. Over one million records from the Research Libraries Information Network related to books, periodicals, maps, manuscripts, and audiovisual materials from the 15th century to the present.
Convergencias hispánicas: Selected proceedings and other essays on Spanish and Latin American literature, film, and linguisticsCall Number: Olin Library Stacks PQ 6512 .C65x 2001
Elizabeth Scarlett and Howard Wescott.
Newark, DE: Juan de la Cuesta, 2001.
Diccionario del cine mexicano, 1970-2000Call Number: Olin Library Stacks Oversize PN 1993.5 M6 D53 2005
Mario A.Quezada.
México, D.F.: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2005.
Encyclopedic dictionary that covers 30 years of Mexican film production including works done outside the film industry.
Diccionario de la literatura latinamericanaCall Number: Olin Library Stacks Oversize PQ 7081 .P18
Pan American Union. Letters section.
Washington: Unión Panamericana [1958- ].
Diccionario Espasa literatura españolaCall Number: Olin Library Stacks PQ 6051 .B74 2003
Jesus Bregante and Carolina Reoyo.
Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid: Espasa, 2003.
Literatura o imperio: La construcción de las lenguas castellana y catalana en la España renacentistaCall Number: Olin Library Stacks PC 4081 .L54 2008
Vincente Lledo-Guillem.
Newark, DE: Juan de la Cuesta, 2008.
Index to Spanish Language Short Stories in AnthologiesCall Number: Uris Library A.D. White Z 1609 .L7 C35x 1994 +
Ivan E. Calimano.
Albuquerque, NM: SALALM Secretariat, General Library, University of New Mexico, 1994.
Reference Sources: Social Sciences
Diccionario de política latinoamericana del siglo XXMéxico, D.F.: Editorial Océano de México, 2001.
(Olin Library Stacks F 1414 .N83x 2001)
Diccionario político y social del siglo XX españolCall Number: Olin Library Reference DP 233 .D53 2008
Javier Fernández Sebastián, Juan Francisco Fuentes, dirs. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2008.
Reference Sources: Science
Diccionario de oceanolographia y biologia marina: Castellano-Ingles, Ingles-Castellano = Dictionary of oceanography and marine biology: English-Spanish, Spanish-EnglishCall Number: Library Annex GC 9 .H67x 1999
Kenneth Allen Hornack.
Horsham, PA: Editorial Castilla La Vieja, 1999.
Diccionario ingles-español de terminos forestales y silvoindustrialesCall Number: Library Annex SD 126 .D48x 1984
Victor L. Reyes, et al.
Chillan: Instituto Profesional de Chillan; [Concépcion]: Universidad del Bio-Bio, 1984.
Glosario de terminos technicos agricolas = Glossary of Technical agricultural terms, Spanish-English, English-SpanishCall Number: Mann Library Stacks S 411 .P18 1988
Maria Rosa Sanchez.
Pamplona: Gobierno de Navarra, Departamento de Educación y Cultura, 1988.