Primary Sources in English Translation
- Translated Texts for HistoriansClassical and Medieval primary sources in translation.
- Manchester Medieval SourcesTranslated texts on a wide variety of topics published in part or in full as print books and ebooks:
Manchester Medieval Sources print books
Manchester Medieval Sources ebooks
- Loeb Classical LibraryA fully searchable, virtual library of Greek and Latin literature with English translations. Includes epic and lyric poetry; tragedy and comedy; history, travel, philosophy, and oratory; the great medical writers and mathematicians; and, those Church Fathers who made particular use of pagan culture.
- CELT, the Corpus of Electronic TextsOnline corpus of multilingual texts of Irish literature and history and the arts. Includes Old, Middle, Classical and Early Modern Irish, Scottish Gaelic, Latin, English and German, French, and English translations of Irish texts. It is Ireland's longest running Humanities Computing/Digital Humanities project.
- British History OnlineCore printed primary and secondary sources for the medieval and modern history of the British Isles.
- Icelandic Saga DatabaseThe Icelandic Saga Database is an online resource dedicated to publishing the Sagas of the Icelanders — a large body of medieval Icelandic literature. The sagas are prose histories describing events that took place amongst the Norse and Celtic inhabitants of Iceland during the period of the Icelandic Commonwealth in the 10th and 11th centuries CE.
- Internet Medieval SourcebookSelected excerpts of sources translated into English full-text online arranged chronologically and geographically. Helpful for getting a sense of the types of medieval sources and for bibliography.
For a selection of the writings of the Church Fathers in English full-text online, see The Catholic Encyclopedia online's new Fathers section or Early Church Fathers
- Bibliography of English translations from medieval sourcesCall Number: Olin Library Graduate Study Center, Room 501 and Olin Reference Z6517 .F24Outdated and superseded, but can still be useful on occasion, especially for brief works (a single letter or poem) or excerpts of longer works contained within books or articles.
- Bibliography of English Translations from Medieval Sources, 1943-1968 byCall Number: Olin Library Graduate Study Center, Room 501 and Olin Reference Z6517 .F35Publication Date: 1974Outdated and superseded, but can still be useful on occasion, especially for brief works (a single letter or poem) or excerpts of longer works contained within books or articles.
- Online Medieval Primary Source BibliographyA guide to translated sources. Geography and type features particularly useful.
- More primary sources ...Many in English.
Digital Primary Source Collections in Original Language
- Acta SanctorumThe complete texts of the sixty-eight printed volumes, from the two January volumes published in 1643 to the Propylaeum to December published in 1940. Print volumes.
- Patrologia Latina DatabaseA complete electronic version of the first edition of Jacques-Paul Migne's Patrologia Latina (1844-1855 and 1862-1865). Index volumes are 218-221. Texts from AD 200 through the 13th century plus later ecclesiastical and humanistic scholarship.
Print volumes: Patrologia Cursus Compeletus.
PDF of print volumes in HathiTrust. - Library of Christian Latin Texts: CLCLTIncomplete and in progress. Selected works from the classical period, the most important patristic works, a very extensive corpus of Medieval Latin literature. Volumen 1: Antiquity, Patristic period up to 500, Vulgate Bible; Volumen II: Second Patristic Period, 501-735; Volumen III: 736-1500 and Neo-Latin period 1501-present. Includes texts from the beginning of Latin literature (Livius Andronicus, 240 BC) through to the texts of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), as well as the complete works of writers such as Cicero, Virgil, Augustine, Jerome, Gregory the Great, Anselm of Canterbury, Bernard of Clairvaux and Thomas a Kempis. Includes many volumes published in the Corpus Christianorum, both the Series Latina and the Continuatio Mediaeualis, and the opera omnia of major authors. Helpful Guide to Searching, from Berkeley
- Bibliotheca Teubneriana LatinaLatin literature from the Roman Republic to the Imperial Period and Late Antiquity. The database is the electronic version of the Bibliotheca scriptorum Romanorum Teubneriana. Complete, except for prefaces or critical apparatus, from the standard editions (editions maiores) of about 800 works spread over eleven centuries (c. 300 BC/BCE to c. 800 AD/CE).
- GallicaIncludes many digitized classic medieval collections of primary sources originally published in the 19th century such as the multi-volume Recueil des historiens des croisades. Use the [challenging] Gallica catalog to find the fulltext.
- Primary Sources for the Study Of Liturgy, Hagiography and Other Aspects Of Medieval StudiesHelen Davis, Special Collections, Boole Library, University College Cork.
- ARTFLA Cooperative Project of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique and the University of Chicago, ARTFL is a research tool for scholars and students in all areas of French Studies. Full-text online of nearly 2000 French texts, ranging from classic works of French literature to various kinds of non-fiction prose and technical writing. The eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries are about equally represented, with a smaller selection of seventeenth century texts as well as some medieval and Renaissance texts. A Provençal database that includes 38 texts in their original spellings has recently been added. The Web interface allows one to search the corpus easily for words, stems, phrases and co-occurrences.
- Brepols cross-database search toolAllows searching across all the medieval and classical digital corpora produced by Brepols.
- CELT, the Corpus of Electronic TextsOnline corpus of multilingual texts of Irish literature and history and the arts. Includes Old, Middle, Classical and Early Modern Irish, Scottish Gaelic, Latin, English and German, French, and English translations of Irish texts. It is Ireland's longest running Humanities Computing/Digital Humanities project.
- Archive of Celtic-Latin literatureIncomplete and in progress. Contains the texts processed thus far from the corpus of Celtic-Latin literature from the period 400-1200 as part of the Royal Irish Academy’s Dictionary of Medieval Latin from Celtic Sources project.
- Monumenta Germaniae historica (MGH).Sources in Latin 500-1500 A.D. from or about medieval Germany, the Franks, and areas of Germanic influence in medieval Europe.
Print volumes of the MGH newer series can be located by a title or keyword search in the Cornell online catalog. Contents of each volume of the MGH original older series as well as an index by author and title/subject can be found in "Indices eorvm qvae Monvmentorvm Germaniae historicorvm temis hvcvsqve editis continentvr." Scripservnt O. Holder-Egger et K. Zevmer. Hannoverae, Impensis bibliopolii Hahniani; [etc., etc.] 1890. Call Number: Olin Room 404 +DD3.M81 Z5). For a comprehensive online catalog of the all the print volumes, try: Monumenta Germaniae Historica
For a good overview of this complex series, try "Guide to the Sources of Medieval History," Call number: Olin Reference Z6517 .C12, pp. 220-.
- Monumenta Germaniae Historica online (eMGH)Incomplete. Selected texts from the five divisions of Monumenta Germaniae Historica (Scriptores, Leges, Diplomata, Epistolae, Antiquitates). As of fall 2007 only includes 800 texts.
- Loeb Classical LibraryA fully searchable, virtual library of Greek and Latin literature with English translations. Includes epic and lyric poetry; tragedy and comedy; history, travel, philosophy, and oratory; the great medical writers and mathematicians; and, those Church Fathers who made particular use of pagan culture.
- Database of Latin DictionariesIncomplete and in progress. The aim of the database is not only to integrate different types of Latin dictionaries, whether modern, medieval or early-modern, but also to build in links between these different tools. Where the dictionaries provide Latin terms and vernacular equivalents or explanations (whether in contemporary or historic forms of English, French or German), searches will be possible on both the Latin lemmata and the English, French or German lemmata.
- The Dictionary of Old English CorpusAlso on CD-Rom in Olin Library. Call number: Reference Disk PE279 .D53 2003 Incomplete and in progress
- Middle English CompendiumThe MEC provides access to and interconnectivity between three major Middle English electronic resources: an electronic version of the Middle English dictionary; a "hyperbibliography" of Middle English prose and verse, based on the MED bibliographies; and an associated network of electronic resources.
- Vetus Latina database: Bible versions of the Latin FathersGerman interface. Comprehensive patristic records of the Vetus Latina Institute in Beuron. Complete information about the project
Guides to Sources
- Répertoire des sources historiques du moyen âgeCall Number: Olin Reference Z6203 .C52 +Formerly of first importance for the literature of medieval history, still useful for its biographical orientation. The first part is arranged alphabetically by personal name (in the French form), the second by place and topic. Under each name, references are given to sources. An immense mass of material is indexed, but without critical indication of value.
- Typologie des sources du Moyen Age occidentalCall Number: Olin Library Graduate Study Center, Room 501 Z6203 .T99Samples: Les statuts synodaux.--fasc. 12; Letters and letter-collections.--fasc. 18; Les "Libri paenitentiales".--fasc. 28; Local and regional chronicles -- Fasc. 75.
- Medieval studies: an introductionCall Number: Olin Reference Z6517 .M48 1992Essays on all aspects of medieval studies with bibliographies.
- A guide to the study of medieval historyCall Number: Uris Library and Library Annex Z6203 .P12 1931A classic, prepared under the auspices of the Medieval Academy of America; concentrates on Western Europe and excludes England.
- Guide to the sources of medieval historyCall Number: Olin Reference Z6517 .C12Five sections--1. Typology of the sources of medieval history, 2. Libraries and archives, i.e. repositories of medieval manuscripts, 3. Great collections and repertories of sources, 4. Reference works for the study of medieval texts, 5. Bibliographical introduction to the auxiliary sciences of history.
- Literature of medieval history, 1930-1975: a supplement to Louis John Paetow's A guide to the study of medieval historyCall Number: Library Annex Z6203 .P12 1931 Suppl.As the title suggests, an expanded, updated version of Paetow's Guide.
- Repertorium fontium historiae Medii Aevi, primum ab Augusto Potthast digestum, nunc cura collegii historicorum e pluribus nationibus emendatum et auctumCall Number: Olin Reference Z6203 .P86 1962 +The first volume is an alphabetical listing of sets of chronicles, miscellanies, and other collections, together with their contents of sources of medieval history up to 1500. The "Fontes" section offers a repertory of medieval writings arranged by individual author's name or anonymous title of the chronicle or document treated. (Balay, 1996).