Top Tools and Tips

Course reserves are in Olin Library; 20,000 science and engineering books are located in Uris Library.

Passkey Off-campus? Log in once with this browser bookmarklet that connects you to all the Library's databases and journals with a single Cornell log-in. See this video. - looks for legal, open-acces copies of an article

Citation Management - Keep track of your references, format bibliographies in thousands of styles. Mendeley, Zotero, Endnote, Papers. Email for free premium upgrade for Mendeley.

ORCID - set your ORCID id and Scopus ID to establish a persistent unique identifier for you and ensures your work is linked to you. Required by some publishers and funders.

Rapid delivery of books not owned by Cornell from Borrow Direct and scanned articles from Interlibrary loan.

SHARES program - visit and possibly borrow books from other libraries, such as Columbia, Syracuse, Ohio State, Boston University.

Stay Current - with JournalTOCS - have tables of contents from journals in your field delivered to your email.

Events Emailer - Create preferences for receiving event nofitications via email based on campus unit and your search terms.

SPARC Author Addendum -  sign and send to your publisher to retain your rights to your article -  to distribute in your classes, include sections in later works, post to a website.

Streaming videos on how-to-use library databases - such as Engineering Village, Knovel, etc.

Databases below for journal articles, patents, standards, such as Scopus, Engineering Village.


Icebreaker Questions

1) Which citation management program do you use, if any? Why?

2) Have there been times when you couldn't find or organize the information you needed? Describe.

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