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Example of a book you might find:
March-Russell, Paul.
The Short Story: An Introduction.
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2009.
(Olin Library PN 3373 .M37 2009)
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The New & Noteworthy shelves in Olin Library.
Shelved past the Circulation Desk on Olin Library’s first floor, this section is home to about 1,000 popular fiction and non-fiction titles published within the last year. The fiction includes an assortment of novels in a variety of genres, short story collections, poetry, plays by established and prize-winning authors, as well as works by emerging authors that have garnered positive critical notice. Popular non-fiction books spanning topics in world and U.S. history, sociology, politics, science, film, sports, and religion are shelved alongside memoirs, biographies and recent works by local authors and Cornell University faculty.
New & Noteworthy books have a two-week loan period, but may be renewed. Most titles discussed in The New York Times Book Review are placed on Olin Library’s New & Noteworthy shelves, as are those that have received wide attention in the general news media. If desired, New & Noteworthy books may be requested for convenient pickup at another library (use the Requests function of the Library Catalog and choose Book Delivery Services).
To display the current list of titles, connect to the Library Catalog. Select the call number in the drop down menu and enter quot;New & Noteworthyquot; in the text box. You may also use our New & Noteworthy books automatic search.
-- from the Collections Highlights web page for Olin and Uris Libraries
Where are novels shelved in Olin Library?
Fiction is shelved mainly by the language in which it was written. The Library of Congress has an outline of call numbers for various literatures.