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Industry Research Databases
- IBISWorldProvides industry reports for over US 700 industries, categorized by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Each report provides key statistics, market characteristics and segmentation, industry conditions, leading competitors, industry performance analysis and future outlook. Relevant reports include Casino Hotels in the US, Non-Hotel Casinos in the US, Lotteries & Native American Casinos in the US, Global Casinos & Online Gambling, and Global Sports Betting & Lotteries.
- Mintel AcademicMarket research reports for products, markets and demographics. Users are required to set up a personal profile with a log in and password. Analysis includes market sizes and forecasts, market trends, market segmentation, competitive context, broken down segment performances, retail channels, consumer demographics and survey results, leading companies, brand share, marketing strategies, and more. Covers European (with an emphasis on UK) and US markets. Relevant reports include Casino and Casino-style Gambling US, Casinos & Bingo UK, Casino Hotels, Casinos (including Online) UK, Casino Hotels International, and Gaming Machines UK.
- Casinos & Gaming in the United StatesDatamonitor Report. 2014. Available in Business Source Complete.
Industry profiles include market value, market volume, market segmentation, competitive landscape, leading companies and forecasts. - Global Casinos & GamingDatamonitor Report. 2014. Available in Business Source Complete. Industry profiles include market value, market volume, market segmentation, competitive landscape, leading companies and forecasts.
- Global Casinos & Gaming Profile: EuropeDatamonitor Report. 2014. Available in Business Source Complete. Industry profiles include market value, market volume, market segmentation, competitive landscape, leading companies and forecasts.
- Global Casinos & Gaming Profile: Asia-PacificDatamonitor Report. 2014. Available in Business Source Complete. Industry profiles include market value, market volume, market segmentation, competitive landscape, leading companies and forecasts.
- Global Casinos & Gaming Profile: South AmericaDatamonitor Report. 2014. Available in Business Source Complete. Industry profiles include market value, market volume, market segmentation, competitive landscape, leading companies and forecasts
Industry Reports
- Casinos & Gaming in the United StatesDatamonitor Report. 2014. Available in Business Source Complete.
Industry profiles include market value, market volume, market segmentation, competitive landscape, leading companies and forecasts. - Global Casinos & GamingDatamonitor Report. 2014. Available in Business Source Complete. Industry profiles include market value, market volume, market segmentation, competitive landscape, leading companies and forecasts.
- Global Casinos & Gaming Profile: EuropeDatamonitor Report. 2014. Available in Business Source Complete. Industry profiles include market value, market volume, market segmentation, competitive landscape, leading companies and forecasts.
- Global Casinos & Gaming Profile: Asia-PacificDatamonitor Report. 2014. Available in Business Source Complete. Industry profiles include market value, market volume, market segmentation, competitive landscape, leading companies and forecasts.
- Global Casinos & Gaming Profile: South AmericaDatamonitor Report. 2014. Available in Business Source Complete. Industry profiles include market value, market volume, market segmentation, competitive landscape, leading companies and forecasts
- Casino Hotels IndustryAnalysis and tables related to the casino hotels-industry in the U.S. from 2010 to 2014 are presented including the estimated industry sales, the estimated number of establishments, and the estimate number of employees