
Important Note: The Education and Careers collection of print resources formerly in Uris Library's Willis Room has migrated to either Olin Reference, the Olin stacks, or the Uris stacks collections.

The print books and serials on colleges and graduate schools, assessment, resume preparation, career planning, and test prep are available in their new locations. You can use the library catalog to verify the location the print versions of our education and career titles listed in this guide.

This guide also includes links to our education and career resources available online. These resources are unaffected by the print migration process. Be aware that many education and careers resources are no longer published in print and have moved to online-only publication. I have added these online-only titles in this guide when known.

Cornell Career Services

New career and education information is appearing on the Web daily. The Cornell Career Services Web site is an excellent starting point for accessing reliable information.

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Michael Engle
106 Olin Library
Cornell University Library

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