
This page contains a list of resources that may be of particular interest to Economics graduate students. 

Services at Cornell for Data Sharing and Archiving

Data Management, Analysis, and Visualization Tools

There are a number of software programs (Excel, Matlab, SPSS, SAS, Stata, Minitab, JMP, etc) that are available through Cornell Software Licensing, CISER, the Cornell Statistical Consulting Unit, and the Cornell Store, amongst other areas, often including your department.

Spreadsheet and Database Tools

Need Data Help? Cornell Data Services Is Here!

Cornell Data Services: comprehensive data management planning and services

The Cornell Data Services is a cross-disciplinary organization that links Cornell University faculty, staff and students with data management services and best practices to meet their research needs. Ways we can help include:

Email us for assistance with your data management questions!


DMP (Data Management Plan) Tool

DMP tool logo: guidance adn resources for your data management plan


"The DMPTool is a collaboration of multiple institutions, including DataONE. The DMPTool will help you:

  • Create ready-to-use data management plans for specific funding agencies
  • Meet funder requirements for data management plans
  • Get step-by-step instructions and guidance for your data management plan as you build it
  • Learn about resources and services available at your institution to help fulfill the data management requirements of your grant"

Spreadsheet and Database Training