Working Papers
Working papers are preliminary works, released to share ideas or invite discussion and feedback, often prior to the submission of a paper to a peer-reviewed journal or conference. Economists have traditionally relied on working papers as a method for the timely and informal communication of recent research findings.
- IDEAS (Hosted by RePEc)"IDEAS is the largest bibliographic database dedicated to Economics and available freely on the Internet. Based on RePEc, it indexes over 3,000,000 items of research, including over 2,700,000 that can be downloaded in full text."
- NBER Working PapersNBER researchers initially report their findings in these scientific papers aimed at other professional economists. Nearly 700 NBER Working Papers are published each year, and many subsequently appear in scholarly journals.
Top Databases for Articles in Economics
- EconLit with Full TextAbstracts, indexing, and full-text articles in all fields of economics, including capital markets, country studies, econometrics, economic forecasting, environmental economics, government regulations, labor economics, monetary theory, and urban economics.
- Business Source CompleteBusiness Source Complete provides full text for scholarly business journals and other sources, including full text for more than 1,800 peer-reviewed business publications. Coverage includes virtually all subject areas related to business. This database provides full text (PDF) for top scholarly journals, including the Harvard Business Review. It also includes industry and country reports from Euromonitor and company and industry reports from Datamonitor.
- ABI/InformABI/Inform, an extensive international business and management database, contains bibliographic citations, abstracts, and full text of articles appearing in professional publications, academic journals, and trade magazines published worldwide. ABI/Inform covers the areas of accounting, banking, computers, economics, engineering management, communications, finance, health care, human resources, insurance, international trends, law, management, marketing, public administration, real estate, taxation, transportation.
- PAIS InternationalContains citations to public policy literature of economics, education, government, law, international business, political science, public administration, and other social sciences. It includes references to journal articles, books, government documents, reports and pamphlets in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese.
- CEIC Data ManagerCEIC Data contains economic, industrial and financial time-series data. Our Global Database offers unprecedented coverage of 221 countries in Asia, Europe and Central Asia, Middle East, Africa and the Americas. EIC also offers 18 macro-economic concepts, and 1,400,000 time series. Data comes from analysts on the ground and the prime national and regional statistical agencies and major industrial data issuing organizations of each country covered. The CEIC Data Manager provides access to the entire CEIC database from within the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet application. Times-series can be directly retrieved from the database and imported into Excel for quick analysis.
- Web of ScienceChoosing "All Databases" allows you to search an index of journal articles, conference proceedings, data sets, and other resources in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities.
- JSTORJSTOR is a fully-searchable database containing the back issues of several hundred scholarly journals in the humanities, social sciences, mathematics, music, ecology and botany, business, and other fields. It includes the following collections: Arts & sciences I, II and III, General science, Ecology and botany, Business, Language and literature.
Tips for Finding Articles
- The easiest way to find articles is to use the Articles & Full Text option on the library homepage.
- A more precise way to search for articles is to select and browse Research Guides on the library homepage, especially those recommended in this and other library guides.
- In the databases, choose the advanced or guided searches (usually 3 lines) to help you correctly format your search.
- Use OR between your search terms to broaden the search to include any of the terms.
- Use AND between your search terms to narrow the search to include all the terms.
- Find full text within the databases in html or pdf format.
- Use the GetIt!Cornell to link to full text found outside of the database.
- Ask a Librarian if you need further help!
Evaluating Your Sources
- Evaluating Web Sites (Cornell University Library)Tips for evaluating the sources you find on the web.
- Critical Thinking CommunityProvides articles and papers on critical thinking. Promotes the development of critical thinking for students and others.
- Tutorial on Annotated BibliographyTutorial on Annotated Bibliography