What Is This?

The news database and aggregator entries in this guide bring together searching and access to multiple news sources. In most cases, the databases provide immediate access to the full text of the news sources. In some cases, they collect and link to or index the full-text sources maintained by others--individual newspapers, news publishers, and news sources, including television and radio. A few sources (e.g., CRL, ICON) point to extensive microfilm holdings.

Each entry contains the following information: database title linked to database; whether the library has a subscription which includes one-time purchases (available to Cornell users only); and a brief description including the time period covered, the format of the content, and languages (no language entry = English language only).

Links to News Databases

African American Newspapers, see the America's Historical Newspapers entry below.

Early American Newspapers, see the America's Historical Newspapers entry, above.

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Michael Engle
106 Olin Library
Cornell University Library

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