Keeping track
You'll find many references in the course of your research. Make sure you keep track of what you find! The library offers some great tools to help.
Make absolutely sure you know your citation types, such as:
- Book
Baum, L. Frank, and W. W. Denslow. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Chicago: G.M. Hill Co, 1900.
- Article
Updike, J. "A CRITIC AT LARGE The Secret Life of the Wizard of Oz." The New Yorker. (2000): 84-88.
- Article in Book
Hatch, Kristen, "Maiden voyage: from Edwardian girl to millennial woman in Titanic" in Gateward, Frances K., and Murray Pomerance, eds. Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice: Cinemas of Girlhood. Contemporary film and television series. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2002.
Cite sources
MLA Citation Style
- MLA Citation Style (Library Help pages) Answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about MLA citation style.
- MLA Style (MLA's web site) Provides some FAQ's; however, this site does not provide the full style manual online.
- MLA Style Manual. (Olin Reference PN147 .G444 2008)
- MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (8th ed.) Olin LB2369 .G53 2016 (located at the Reference Desk)
- Purdue's OWL (Online Writing Lab) MLA Formatting and Style Guide
- Examples for how to cite an image using the MLA Style, from the Colgate University Visual Resources Library
Chicago Manual of Style Citation Style
- Chicago Manual of Style online
- Chapter 14: Notes and Bibliography.
- Chapter 15: Author-Date References.
- The Quick Guide answers some of the most frequently-asked questions about the Chicago citation style.
- The Chicago Manual of Style (17th ed.) Olin Library Ref Z253 .U69 2017 (located at the Olin Reference Desk)
- The Purdue Online Writing Lab gives excellent examples (for footnotes/endnotes and bibliographies) on how to cite using the Chicago citation style: books, periodicals, web sources, film & television, and much more.
- Examples for how to cite an image using the Chicago Style, from the Colgate University Visual Resources Library
American Psychological Association Citation Style
- Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. 6th ed. Washington: APA, 2010 Olin Ref BF 76.7 .P83 2010. The authoritative style manual for anyone writing in the field of psychology. Its chapters discuss the content and organization of a manuscript, writing style, the American Psychological Association style, and typing, mailing and proofreading.
- Online APA citation help is available in the Cornell University Library web site.
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Image: David Falconer. "When the Major Home Oil Dealer Ran Out of Fuel a Special Board Was Activated..." 1973. U.S. National Archives on Flickr Commons.
You'll get plenty of help using Zotero in class so that you can keep track of the many references in the course of your research. If you have questions about Zotero in the future:
Send questions about any aspect of RefWorks, Zotero or EndNote (another citation management program) to Citation Management Help.
Citations give credit
Always credit your sources! By properly citing the sources you use in your research projects you are both identifying the resources that you used to complete your work and are formally acknowledging the ideas of the authors or creators of those resources.
Please read the Cornell University Code of Academic Integrity.