A history of BEE at Cornell
- A pioneering department:evolution from rural engineering to biological and environmental engineering at Cornell University, 1907-2007by Ronald B. Furry ; edited by John Marcham. Why does a Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering exist at Cornell University and what was the vision of those who saw the need? This book explores the beginnings and growth of Biological and Environmental Engineering at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY over its first 100 years, starting with excerpts from the historic legislation that made it possible, next relating the beginning of agricultural engineering and the important contributions that Cornell University had in pointing the way in this new field, and summarizing the department's first century of service through its teaching, research and Extension programs. Also included is a description of the struggle to obtain appropriate facilities, a look at the people who helped make the Department a national and world leader in the field, along with a benchmark of current activity as the department enters its second century. Illustrations remind the reader of "the good old days", as well as how time has brought about transformations to the present.
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Energy and Environmental Engineering by
ISBN: 9781138026650Publication Date: 2015-01-27The 2014 International Conference on Energy and Environmental Engineering (ICEEE 2014) was held September 21-22, 2014 in Hong Kong. This proceedings volume assembles papers from various professionals, leading researchers, engineers, scientists and students and presents innovative ideas and research results focused on Energy and Environmental Engineering. The papers in this book group around the following topics: Energy Science and Technology, Environmental Science and Engineering, Motivation, Electrical Engineering and Automation, the Development and Utilization of Resources, Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development, as well as other related topics.Environmental Engineering by
ISBN: 0077091272Publication Date: 1996-04-01This book provides an introduction to all students of environmental engineering and science. It provides a thorough quantitative treatment and emphasises the multidisciplinary nature of environmental management issues.Introduction to Environmental Engineering by
ISBN: 9781118785904Publication Date: 2014-02-24"Environmental Engineering: Principles and Practice" is written for advanced undergraduate and first-semester graduate courses in the subject. The text provides a clear and concise understanding of the major topic areas facing environmental professionals. For each topic, the theoretical principles are introduced, followed by numerous examples illustrating the process design approach. Practical, methodical and functional, this exciting new text provides knowledge and background, as well as opportunities for application, through problems and examples that facilitate understanding. Students pursuing the civil and environmental engineering curriculum will fi nd this book accessible and will benefit from the emphasis on practical application. The text will also be of interest to students of chemical and mechanical engineering, where several environmental concepts are of interest, especially those on water and wastewater treatment, air pollution, and sustainability. Practicing engineers will find this book a valuable resource, since it covers the major environmental topics and provides numerous step-by-step examples to facilitate learning and problem-solving. "Environmental Engineering: Principles and Practice" offers all the major topics, with a focus upon: - a robust problem-solving scheme introducing statistical analysis; - example problems with both US and SI units; - water and wastewater design; - sustainability; - public health. There is also a companion website with illustrations, problems and solutions.- Modeling and Analysis Principles for Chemical and Biological Engineers byISBN: 9780975937716Publication Date: 2013-01-01
- Biological engineering byPublication Date: 1969
Biomaterials Science and Engineering by
ISBN: 9781461327691This book is written for those who would like to advance their knowledge beyond an introductory level of biomaterials or materials science and engineering. This requires one to understand more fully the science of materials, which is, of course, the foundation of biomaterials. The subject matter of this book may be divided into three parts: (1) fundamental structure-property relationships of man-made materials (Chapters 2-5) and natural biological materials, including biocompatibility (Chapters 6 and 7); (2) metallic, ceramic, and polymeric implant materials (Chapters 8-10); and (3) actual prostheses (Chapters 11 and 12). This manuscript was initially organized at Clemson University as classnotes for an introductory graduate course on biomaterials. Since then it has been revised and corrected many times based on experience with graduate students at Clemson and at Tulane University, where I taught for two years, 1981-1983, before joining the University of Iowa. I would like to thank the many people who helped me to finish this book; my son Y oon Ho, who typed all of the manuscript into the Apple Pie word processor; my former graduate students, M. Ackley Loony, W. Barb, D. N. Bingham, D. R. Clarke, J. P. Davies, M. F. DeMane, B. J. Kelly, K. W. Markgraf, N. N. Salman, W. J. Whatley, and S. o. Young; and my colleagues, Drs. W. Cooke, D. D. Moyle (Clemson G. H. Kenner (University of Utah), F. University), W. C. Van Buskirk (Tulane University), and Y.