Giornali italiani
Newspaper Databases:
Factiva provides access to global news and business information, including local newspapers, same-day newswires, company reports, and media programs. Allows you to choose Italian-language search interface.
Tip: To find Italian-language news stories in FACTIVA:
- Click on Search in top navigation bar and then choose Search Builder.
- Click on the small blue arrow to the left of Language
- Close the English option by clicking on the 'x'
- From the language menu, click on Italian.
Lexis-Nexis Uni
Provides access to full text resources on topics including current and general news; business and financial information; newspapers; company directories; government and politics; medical and health topics; accounting, auditing, and tax; federal and state laws; legal cases; and regulations. Resources include TV and radio news transcripts.
- To find Italian-language sources, click on Search By Subject or Topic.
- Click on the Foreign Language News option
- Click on Advanced Options
- Check the box for "Italian"
- Note: clicking on the information icon before the word "Italian" will display the sources covered
- Enter search terms in the search box
Access World News Collection.
Access World News from NewsBank provides full-text information and perspectives from over 600 U.S. and over 700 international sources, each with its own distinctive focus offering diverse viewpoints on local, regional and world issues. Date coverage varies with individual newspaper.
L’ Archivio Storico La Stampa.
A full-text, searchable digital archive of one of Italy's major newspapers (based in Turin) covering February 1867 through December 2005. PDF page views.
L’ Archivio Storico La Stampa contiene la copia digitale dell’intera collezione di tutte le edizioni del quotidiano, dal primo numero del 9 febbraio 1867, quando si chiamava Gazzetta Piemontese fino al 2005. Tutte le pagine pubblicate durante questi 138 anni sono disponibili in formato immagine e testo digitale, così come i principali articoli (oltre 12 milioni) con la possibilità di cercare ed evidenziare tutte le parole che contengono.
Library PressDisplay provides online access to over 700 newspapers from more than 55 countries, displayed in their original format and accessible by country, language, or title. Click on "Italy" from the Titles by Country menu on the right. Contains full-text of articles from Il Giornale, La Stampa, Il Tempo, Libero, Il Riformista, and others. Includes an Italian-language search interface option.