Centro Primo Levi
CENTRO PRIMO LEVI (CPL) is a New York based organization inspired by the humanistic legacy of writer and chemist Primo Levi, who survived Auschwitz and contributed significantly to the post-World War II debate on the role of memory in modern societies. CPL Editions offers translations of new or important texts on Italian Judaism and Primo Levi not yet available in English.
Italian Sites Outside of Italy
Corriere del Ticino - http://www.cdt.ch/
- Swiss National Tourist Office - http://usa.myswitzerland.com/en/welcome.cfm
Università della Svizzera italiana - http://www.unisi.ch/
- Istria on the Internet - http://www.istrianet.org/
- Sardegna on the Internet - http://www.mondosardegna.net
Isole Italia - il portale delle isole minori italiane
Università di Bologna - http://www.unibo.it/
Università degli Studi di Milano - http://www.unimi.it/
Università di Napoli- http://www.unina.it/index.jsp
Università per Stranieri di Perugia - http://www.unistrapg.it/
Università degli Studi di Roma - http://www.uniroma1.it/
Università degli Studi di Torino - http://www.unito.it/
Università di Trieste - http://www.univ.trieste.it/
- Centro Primo Levi This site offers resources on Italian Jewish culture and history, recommendations of books and films; links to libraries and museums and other information.
- NOTE: To find books on Jewish culture in Italy, search the Library Catalog for the Subject JEWS > ITALIAN.