
Use these databases to find academic articles or books on a company.  One caveat though--usually these types of resources will not contain the latest information.  (It takes time to write a book or do academic research on a company and then publish it.)

Tip #1:  The hardest part about searching these databases is matching your keywords to the subject terms that are actually used to categorize articles. Different terms may be used by different databases.  For example: "human resource management" vs. "personnel management"; "job evaluation" vs. "performance appraisal"; "employee selection" vs. "recruitment." Pay attention to the terms listed as subject headings in each record!   You may also use terms such as "case studies", "best practice", "benchmarking", "surveys", and "trends".

Tip #2:  Many databases have an "Advanced Search" option.  This will allow you to type a Company name in one search box (and select to search the "company" field) and to type relevant HR terms (See Tip #1) in the second search box.