Even more help
There is a lot of online help for you whenever you need it. Check out the Ask a Librarian page for more options.
Ask your questions in person, by phone, by e-mail, or via I.M. or chat.
Kroch Asia Information Desk phone number: (607) 255-8199
Asia Reference e-mail address: asiaref@cornell.edu Use this address for general questions, or contact the Asia librarians using information found at the link below.
Asia Librarians Contact Information Here you will find current contact information for all of the staff working in the Kroch Asia Collections.
Olin Library Reference phone number: (607) 255-4144
Olin & Uris Libraries Reference e-mail address: okuref@cornell.edu
People often opt not to send requests for help via e-mail because they believe it will take too long to get a response. It may surprise you to learn, however, that Cornell librarians generally respond to reference questions via e-mail within a few hours. Chat is even quicker; librarians will pick up chat requests in an average of 60 seconds, and the chat service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.