Why mentor?

Why mentor?  Mentoring has many benefits for your career, including: 

  • Staying at the top of your game (you'll need to for sharing information with your mentee)
  • Connecting with a younger generation 
  • Getting fresh ideas and perspectives

Need more reasons?  See this article on 5 good reasons to mentor.  


Who can mentor?

Do you have experience with a particular system, service or program?  

Do you have an existing knowledge about CUL and/or Ithaca?  

Do you know people at CUL? 

These are just some examples of qualities that you might have that can help others through the mentoring program.  If you're interested in becoming a mentor, sign up! Everybody has experience that can help somebody else!


How do I mentor?

Something that everybody needs as a mentor is time.  

The amount of time that you put into your mentoring relationship is up to you, but you simply cannot mentor if you have no time to devote to it.  If you are burdened with projects and you don't think that you have the time to mentor, then you should wait to commit to a mentoring relationship in the future when you have more time.  For context, many mentors in the CUL mentoring program meet once a month, but some pairs and groups meet more or less frequently.   

If you have time to be a mentor, there are great resources all over the web on how to be a good mentor.  Here are a few examples:

10 tips on how to be a good mentor

Mentoring skills

Being a mentor

Why be mentored?

If you ask for advice on how to better manage your career, many people will respond with "find a mentor."  Having a mentor has many benefits.  Here are some articles on the benefits of being mentored.

The Often Overlooked but Invaluable Benefits of Mentorship

The Advantages of Mentoring in the Workplace



Who can be mentored?

Simply put, anybody can be mentored.  New to CUL or long-established, there are always new things that you can learn by becoming a mentee.